About You - The Player
Name: Rachel
Age: 18
Contact: email: nerdswereright at yahoo ;; AIM: whiskeredwolven ;; LJ:
hateable Past Role Playing Experience: here, there, everywhere, other less awesome places
The Character
Name: Anya Christina Emmanuella Jenkins [lame-ass made up last name]
Age/Birthdate: 1122
Species: Human
*Type: Wanderer
Canon: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (early season 4 - mid “Fear, Itself”)
*Pre-existing powers: Aside from a decent knowledge of witchcraft and some residual fighting skills leftover from her days as a demon, none.
*Rift Change, if applicable: Shapeshifter (bunny, other form yet to be determined)
literalfinesse Played By: Emma Caulfield
http://l-userpic.livejournal.com/101148359/27819303 Appearance: Anya is on the smaller side, about 5’4” and rather thin. She frequently changes her hair color/style, but for now we’ll say that she is a brunette with large, brown eyes. Her face is very expressive, though said expression is typically one of confusion or disdain - or both at once. For someone who is mostly out of touch with humanity, she has quite an eye for fashion, and her manner of dress is evident of that.
Personality: Anya is blunt, to put it lightly. If there’s something you don’t want her to say, she’ll probably say it - not to be cruel, but because it’s just her way. She speaks precisely, and tends to take things in a startlingly literal way. While she has human emotions, her understanding of them can be quite limited, and she’s frequently confused by feelings other people would take for granted. She is still coming to terms with being a twenty-something girl instead of a centuries-old demon, which results in conflicting feelings: her desire to form relationships with men, for example, conflicted with her once violently (literally) anti-men status. There is, however, plenty of good in Anya, though, used to being ignored or having people repelled by her ways, it sometimes take a while for it to show through. She can be a bit self-serving, but she does care about people - those who deserve it, anyway.
Anya has quite a few quirks, including an extreme love of money/capitalism, a habit of discussing the good old days of being a vengeance demon (tales of disembowelment, yay), and an inexplicable fear of, of all things, bunnies. Though rather knowledgeable in areas ranging from demonology to magic to math, her knowledge of pop culture is rather limited, so most references will be lost on her. She also has a dedicated work ethic, whether it’s punishing evil men or, later in life, handling Sunnydale’s magic shop.
History: Born Aud in the 7th century, Anya’s story began as a typical girl loves guy, guy uses girl shamelessly, girl decides to exact revenge story - but that’s where it stops being typical. Using witchcraft, Aud cursed her unfaithful boyfriend, Olaf and turned him into a troll. This brought the admiration of a demon, D’hoffryn, who offered to place her into her true calling - that as the vengeance demon Anyanka.
Anya accepted the demon’s offer, and for centuries, she became a sort of patron saint of scorned women. Blessed with immortality, the ability to teleport, and a psychic connection to wronged women, she would appear to them and, upon them wishing vengeance, she would extract it. Being a demon, however, this vengeance was often taken to a literal, horrific extent - a later example in the series involves a girl wishing some fraternity guys could know what it was like to have their hearts ripped out - and so they learn. Painfully.
In 1999, after Xander Harris cheated on girlfriend Cordelia Chase, Anya came to Sunnydale under the guise of a teenage girl, hoping to help Cordelia. This proved to be her downfall when, in an alternate dimension in order to reverse the wish that Buffy Summers had never come to Sunnydale, Giles smashed the amulet that Anyanka wore around her neck - the source of her powers. For a few months, Anya tried to convince her demon boss D’hoffryn to restore her powers, but he refused - she was forced to live out her life as a teenage girl.
After giving up on getting her powers back, Anya stuck around at Sunnydale High School long enough to attend prom. She had an inexplicable desire to go, despite men being evil, and asked Xander Harris to take her, since she “knew he didn’t have a date, either.” Though it was a less-than-stellar date on Xander’s part, Anya began to develop a fondness for him, finding him less repellant than most of his peers. After telling Buffy and the Scooby Gang all she could about a demon ascension she had once witnessed, she invited Xander to escape from Sunnydale with her before the Mayor’s ascension could take place, telling him she didn’t want him to die. Xander refused, and Anya left without him, too afraid to stay and fight.
This seemed to be the last of Anya, but she returned to Sunnydale the following fall, determined to “get over” Xander - by sleeping with him. When this didn’t work, and instead only increased her affection toward him, the two began, a bit awkwardly and at Anya’s insistence, to date. She was on her way to a Halloween party, dressed in the most frightening costume she could come up with - a bunny suit - when the Rift pulled her through.