Oct 11, 2005 21:02
Golly gee. I love Fall Break guys. It is the shiznit, hehe. Okay so Friday I went to the doctor. Again. For those of you who don't know, I hurt my knee real bad. The doctor thought I would need to have surgery, but on Friday he told me that I may not. I definitely have to start going to physical therapy though. Bleh. I hate doing that crap. But anyway, I have another appt. on Friday. Oh well. On Saturday, Mom, Hannah, and I got up and drove to Atlanta to hang out with our friends, Jeremy and Ginger. We stayed at their house and chatted til like 1 AM. It was rad. Then we all went to Six Flags on Sunday. It was soooo flippin' cool! Jeremy rode all the rollercoasters with me and Hannah. He was too funny. Hannah puked which was cool, hehe. I know that sounds mean but it really was funny. That night we went to this Indian restaurant. It was the most awesomest thing EVER! Hannah and Mom hated it, but I loved it. We went to a couple Indian stores and then went back to their house. Ginger and I watched this Indian movie. It was so romantic. I cried. Indian people say the "S word" sooooo funny! Yeah...so we decided we're going to India next summer hopefully. It'll be so rad. I am like obsessed with India. Yep...weird, I know. So yesterday we got up and drove home. My parents and I watched The Longest Yard last night. It was so funny. I got to talk to Eddie for like 4 hours! Yay! It was fun with a capital F, lol. We talk about the coolest things. I wuv him. <3 Today, I cleaned my room and put my bed together. I have THE COOLEST room guys. Seriously...it is one to be envied. Man I have to get up and take some stupid PSAT test in the morning. Pft...so gay. Then, Aaron is gonna go with me to church and I'm gonna teach him some GEETAR, hehe. It shall be interesting. OH EM GEE........I was sitting on the couch today and there was a HUGE BUG ON ME! I started screaming and jumping around. My mom was like "What is wrong with you? Are you on something?" I was like AHHHHH!!! It was one of those mutant bugs that we have here in Bamerz...creepy. Seriously though, there are some weird looking bugs here. AAAAnywho. That's about it for now I guess. I need some friends. I'm lonely. Call me people! We'll hang out sometime. I have nothing to doooooo!!! PLEASE! Yes...I am desperate and lame. But it's AAAALLL good. =) Alrighty I guess I'll update soon...maybe. CiAo fOr nOw. <3