1. of course i have to use a meme number
2. all touhou music is awesome
3. wish the meme number was higher TT_TT
4. these are just my favourites and that i highly recommend listening to
# 9 - Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ flower land ● Yuka's theme
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I'm not to attached to the original, but the remixes to this song are amazing (along with it's counterpart Judgment in the Sixtieth Year).
# 8 - Owen was Her? ● Flandre's theme
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Another very fitting song. I just love how playfully evil this song is. I just love the climax of it.
# 7 - Dark Side of Fate ● Hina's theme
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Every time I hear this song, I feel like spinning with Hina. It's absolutely perfect for her theme. The song has a dark feeling, yet it's a very light song; could go either way.
# 6 - Native Faith ● Suwako's theme
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Oh Suwako. Why does finger hell song also mean bullet hell stage? _ _;;; I can get about half way through the extra... before the song drives me into madness and I mess up... just kidding. Song is awesome. Trust me, it goes very well with the bullet storm you face.
Top 5 in next post :D///////