Jul 10, 2005 09:20
Friday Night was so much fun.
Tilda came to Tyler's along with Andrew, Brittney and Kodi.
We started to walk to taco bell, but tilda's eyesbrows started melting off so we turned back.
My mom drove me Tyler Tilda and Kodi to the hotel.
When we got there Colby, Morgan, Ashliee, Victor, there friend, Jimmy, Pattie plus us 4 just sat in the room for a little bit.
Then most of us went down to the strip.
We rode a shuttle bus there and took a taxi home.
Me Morgan and Kodi danced to stillieto pumps && played around mopst of the time we were down there.
Then are whole group got called the cure.
The taxi ride home had to be the most ive laughed since i was little.
Nigerreo was from Tialand and he was our driver.
He told us all his stories and we tried as best we could to understand what he was saying
Then me jimmy tried to get the hook up with his sons, but he said no.
We had a big sleepover with everyone in the hotel and just messed around all night.
Too many other things happend to write it all down.
But there are grape stains on the hotel wall, some clothes super glued to the floor, && a bunch of tired kids.