NL WEST! Despite my best efforts (i.e. continuing to talk about them) the Giants! The Giants are going to the postseason! Probably to lose in the first round, but whatever, NL WEST THE GIANTS. Of course, we are all now going crazy over the rotation: ZitoBumgarnerZitoZitoEXPERIENCEZitoTHEA'STHATONEYEARBumgarnerdoesn'tsuck. Sanchez, Cain and Lincecum are all right, though. Which makes it a good thing that the Mets bombed the 2-9 trip in July among other trips, homestands and sequences, because the conversation would be like this: RADickeyRADickeyRADickeyRADickeyRADickeyRADickeyRADickeyRADickeyPelfreyRADickey, and then Manuel would listen, and Dickey's arm would fall off, and then everyone would be fired. Oh wait.
Other than that horrifying thought, (and breaking down in tears this afternoon for ENTIRELY unrelated reasons) it is good times! I am so fucking excited that hockey's almost back, really. Not sure why, as there's no indication that anyone will play better than .300 hockey this year, but it's nice to imagine. That, and Staal trying again: he seemed to, in the game in St Petersburg, but guys were going after knees, so it might not have been a good thing to try. DAMN IT, why won't you expend effort in more worthwhile situations? Also, like, Renney appears to be insufficently terrified of the back end of the defensive depth, although he did call Omark out quite
splendidly: "It's a 200-by 85-foot rink and you sometimes have to give it up to get it back. You can't dangle every inch of the ice. That's the thing he has to understand at the NHL level, but he's an exciting guy," it's also possible my standards are a little skewed after Quinn. Well, between Quinn, Manuel and Maurice, it's sort of amazing that press-conference-related grief and rage was so limited. Game-related grief and rage was utterly manifest.
It has to suck less this year. It has to suck less this year. It has to suck less this year. It has to suck less this year?