Maxime, the French-Canadian dream

Jun 02, 2009 23:43

Helpfully, I recently learned how to say "stop" in Swedish. I cannot imagine when this will ever be useful, (do I ever want less akvavit? No, I do not ever need to tell people to stop pouring me drinks, also, wow, I did not think that "akvavit" was spelled like that, trippy) but I know it, now: "sluta." As I get further into the bottle of wine, it sounds less and less like "sluu-ta!" and more and more like "slut." The difference can be diagrammed:

before the wine: "Oh, that Lidstrom, he is a good leader. I bet he wishes that his team would sluta with this ineffective penalty kill."

OH WAIT. It will be useful, it is useful. I am a very clever girl.

What an outstanding man, Talbot.

He puts the "ass" in "classy" and is certainly one of my faves. Although Eaton may have edged him out, this evening, briefly, for realizing, before almost any other person (the Versus studio crew are not people, thrilling though their meditations on Newfoundland are) that Pittsburgh had too many men on the ice, and getting the heck off.


This is sort of how I feel, right now. Complete with Tiny!Max Talbot face. Man he is so creepy. Generally, what a weird-looking group of dudes. Although Fedsy is, as usual, amazing.

I have a ton of errands to do tomorrow, damn. At least I will not almost kill myself with Agent Orange-based over cleaner, like I did today. When they say "toxic, use in a well-ventilated area" they do not mean "shut the doors and windows and SEE WHAT HAPPENS." I am all better, now, thanks for asking.


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