Generalized terror! My applications for everything have collectively decided to suck, and I am just now being alerted to their incomplete status. Not helpful, not helpful at all. I mean, I like to imagine that I am not totally helpless, but I am, apparently! Hooray.
On, the upside, I have all weekend to write the next draft of the Virgil paper, as nothing else is open until Monday. This fails to inspire glee, actually. I've got my hands on another source, Architectonics of imitation in Spenser, Daniel and Drayton, by David Galbraith. This is on
angevin2's suggestion, so thank you. Yet, the title makes me want to create a new Transformer, Architectonica, who can traverse critical quicksand with her snowshoe-like feet. I will actually be reading the book, too.
I think I shall just contemplate Slings and Arrows for a while, and try to ignore the way things are generally being lame. Bar Architectonica, and her shiny adamantium exterior. And heart of GOLD. eee. eee. EEE. GOLD!
ETA, 5:37 pm: I am tempted to title my paper "Hooray Fascism: Why Syme is wrong, and Nationalism is fun." Mussolini, you are seriously lame, for forcing all classical scholarship into disavowing all authoritarian FUNTIMES. Also, it would make this section on emergent states easier to write.