
Aug 07, 2007 01:59

OKAY! So I finished "Deathly Hallows" inside of four hours, after waiting nearly three weeks to get it from my brother, who was reading it first. Despite this handicap, I went in, as usual for this canon, completely unspoiled. Here, a couple of thoughts. The book is unfortunately, in my luggage, which is somewhere else, so no quotes.

Half of my response is "HOT DAMN, AGAIN!" and half is "OH, FLAMING MORONS!" So, these comments follow accordingly.

Wherein I Start Discussing That Which I Love, In No Particular Order
Hermione, Snape, Percy, George, Remus, Draco, Ron, Mad-Eye Moody, Kingsley, Lily, McGonagall, James, Kreacher, Sirius, Regulus, Dobby, Bill, Narcissa, Dean, Mrs Black, Ted Tonks, Luna, Neville, Ollivander, Scrimegour, Fleur, Mrs Weasely, Flitwick, Aberforth, Fred, Peter, Krum, Lee Jordan, Oliver Wood. To be revised as my love swells. EEEE. VERY MUCH FOR THE FUCKING WIN, ALL OF YOU. In different ways, obviously. I love the little nods at continuity, and the basic goodness, even though I did have quibbles over some of it, YAY! I love the way so many of these characters were fully-realized, only at the end, and yay, basic human decency. Wait, good wins because it has to, and because everyone has a core of it within them, and it makes me delighted. FTW!

That Which I Could Have Done Without
Harry. Dumbledore. WHAT THE HELL. I know they are manly men, having Big Important Quests, but for real. It nearly appeared to kill Harry when he had to tell Neville what he was doing. HELLO, ALLIES, DUMBFACE. The relentless het shipping in the epilogue. Straight agenda, for reals. I hope Dean and Seamus have a lovenest, and run a swinging disco bar, because apparently, there is not excitement anywhere else in the world. Seriously, these people just have babies for fun, and at that rate, they need a civil war every so often, to make sure that they don't cause world resource shortage. Seriously, this was one of my first fandoms, and while I always read a lot of het in it, I knew that there was slash going on, and egh, thanks for killing my dreams. I COULD GO ON. I WILL SPARE YOU.

Where My Shipping Tendencies Are Totally Reaffirmed
SNAPE/LILY! NAAAH! Okay, did anyone not expect that? My brother kept on telling me "There's a twist! A twist!" but when I got to it, I was like, "A twist?" I thought it was very sweet, though. Also tremendously sad, because they both died in narratively ignominious ways; it was important for them to have died, but the ways, oh the ways. I feel both cheated and rewarded; pleased, because it's clearer that there were things going on in the 1970's not directly the fault of MWPP, but cheated because these two were so important, but they end up being defined by a single romantic relationship. Shipping is all well and good, but really now, to have your entire life (as a character) defined by a relationship which never really was! Woe.

On The Topic Of Unexpected Maladies
The Professional's Guide To Badgering People
Harry Potter by mistiful
Which is Zacharias shrugging, and Draco and Harry being drama queens. What’s not to like? Eh? I like it when Harry Potter fic makes fun of Harry. Longish and very funny. It's just such a wacky premise, and okay, one of the best things about this fandom is that any minor character can had a real background, thanks to fandom's infinite mind.I've had a lingering fondness for Zacharias Smith, for actually being a doubtful sort of guy. I like doubts, they're almost morally grey! This is mainly due to this fic. I did not like the idea that he was cowardly, but whatever.

Lust Over Pendle
Harry Potter by ajhall-fics
This is one of my very favorite stories in this fandom. It's an engaging mystery, with some very sneaky characters, wonderful main figures, and a subtle, but shining, Draco/Neville relationship. I have re-read plenty of times, but every single one, I find something new and exciting in it. If you like mystery stories, creative OC's, who are less of that now, because Narcissa and Grandmother Longbottom both appeared, but this story made me like them in the first place, funny dialogue, twisty plotlines, real backgrounds, and lots of good detail, gah. I hope that everyone reading this has already seen the story, because I am completely not doing it justice, it is so close to my heart, and I just want to squish it!( Complete guide, here. by geoviki)

Finally, flipping JKR
Woman, it is OKAY if not everyone has the perfect ending. This interview sort of frustrates me hugely, because it feels like JKR is basically saying "all mine!" Which okay, it's nice to luxuriate in your intellectual possessions. But seriously, here, as a member of fandom, it squicks me a little, the idea that there is somehow an official extra-canonical source, and that it will answer all of your problems. Alternatively, we could just ignore it, if it comes out. REPRESS AND DENY!

An Attempt To End On A Positive Note
Learn Me
Bandfic: The Used/My Chemical Romance by acromantica
Frank attempts to read...well, it's very fitting! Jepha appears, at the most perfect moment, and this is slashy and wonderful.

Wizard Rock
Bandfic: Fall Out Boy by ficjournal
Oh, Pete, you are so totally clearly crazy, but that's okay, because Joe loves you anyway. Sweet.

Anyway, that was mature and logical. Back to reading. I love summer break.

fannish:assorted, recs, rec:bandfic, rec:harry potter

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