sexyfuntimes with my computer, my brain

Jul 05, 2007 01:59

OKAY. So there is this game I play, and it's not actually a game, more of a lame thing I do when I do not have the brains needed to write, and I feel like being a bitch, and feeling less cool than I actually am. Wait. You can see that I am maybe being ironic? Or possibly like pain?


I like putting iTunes on "Party Shuffle" and seeing, well, two things. (The way I phrased that, I sound like I have been playing at this game forever. THAT IS A LIE. I only downloaded iTunes, like, last week? Over the weekend, even? I have issues with Apple, whatever. It actually lives with Chris Carter and Chester Bennington in the condo of things I could do without, but whatever.)

Thing One! I like seeing how long I can go without fast-forwarding though any songs. Like, okay, so "Party Shuffle," despite the hilarious name, is, I imagine, pretty awesome for parties. WELL. If you listen exclusively to loud, boppy music that all sounds the same. If you actually have like, variety, or TASTE, it results in hilarity and/or pain. I do not need whiplash, thanks FAILED transition from Kinky Friedman to Fall Out Boy to Faith Hill. Okay, so "Party Shuffle," whose quotation marks will never get old, does not sort by alphabetical order, nor is that the current failed transition, but whatever. I've gotten up to twelve songs before I am like, "what the hell, why do I own this? did I actually SPEND MONEY on this?" AND YES. THE ANSWER WOULD BE YES.

Thing TWO! I like seeing how quickly I can identify the band I am listening to, or the song. Most of the time? It results in SILLY AND TACKY. Because the whole point of this exercise is, well, to basically, be a bitch about my own taste in music, or just a bitch, it also leads to lip quivers when I can identify Bright Eyes, and the song title, and album, within about three seconds. Oh, self. I could look at iTunes, but that would be CHEATING. I cannot, however, say anything about most of the songs, or even think anything, and see also Thing One.

This is mainly to make a couple of bitchy observations.

Gerard Way's COMPLETE AND TOTAL LACK of anything resembling irony. This is totally foreign to me, but it also makes MCR hugely easy to recognize. Wait no, that's the funky lisp and way that I listen to them enough to recognize their songs RIGHT AWAY. Oh.

However, his brother may possibly have IRON(Y) SEE HOW CLEVER I AM. There is nothing in this whole entry cleverer than the file name, for that picture. Oh, mikeyway. Even though I am possibly obsessed with turning you into a chick, I still love you.

Davey Havok; going to fuck up your face with a tire iron, yes or yes? I have been talking (to my poor, long-suffering) family, at dinner, about how Maja Ivarsson, and Beyonce would totally form a gang, and like, be your girlfriends for when you needed to break into your ex's house and steal your stuff back, except they would totally go over the top, and like, break windows and stuff. I don't know why I mentioned that. I just think the idea of Davey tapping a tire iron against the side of his boot is inescapably fucking cool. Um. RIVAL GANGS. LIKE "WEST SIDE STORY" EXCEPT WITH DAVEY AND MAJA AND BEYONCE. THEY HAVE A DANCE-OFF WITH MATT SKIBA AND GABE SAPORTA, THE SHAKESPEAREAN ACTORS. AAAH.

I think I love my brain. Back to being a huge bitch!

Morrissey and John Nolan have something in common! Wait, you say, Morrissey has a less-developed sense of irony than Gerard Way, and John Nolan is basically a giant drunken bitchface; how do these things go together? I will TELL. At about the 2:18 mark, in "Everyday Is Like Sunday," Morrissey goes "fa-a-ce." It's this wonderful moment, because his voice falters a little, but then it totally doesn't, and he continues to be awesome beyond all telling. It's part of his arsenal of tricks, whatever. Okay, so John Nolan? Does the SAME THING on "Sympathy For The Matyr," at the 2:18 mark! Okay, he carries on for a couple of extra seconds of bitchcakes, but oh John. I think you are patently obvious in your fanboying. THAT IS OKAY.

Related story? I think that in the dreamland of people who have songs written about them, MikeyWay and Adam Lazzara TOTALLY meet up. And eat cupcakes, and diss everyone. OH, BITCHFACES, I LOVE YOU SO. One day, on my "Party Shuffle," your songs will come up, sequentially, and I will laugh. LAUGH AND LAUGH. And then I will cry, because Jesse Lacey/Pete Wentz/John Nolan are clever. Note the lack of subject-verb agreement; I just really wanted to write it with the slashes in, because, HAHAH.

ETA, 3:13 am Oh, ♥ I just totally got Brand New's "I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light" and The All-American Rejects' "Dance Inside" in a row, and oh, songs about sex that are funny and awesome, and I love "Party Shuffle," even within highly ironic quotes.

...I wish I had a "lame shit I do" tag. AHA, I DO, NOW. Despite the way that this entry is pretty much a lesson in why you shouldn't update your lj at two in the morning, it amuses me deeply, and I will so being playing this game in the future, so whatever. Good taste and sense would be for other, better people!

ETA, 3:21 am I TAKE BACK EVERYTHING. Tupac and Dre, with "California Loves," rocking out? Well, not everything, because Davey and Maja and Beyonce should ALWAYS fuck shit up, but the bitchy. This song always makes me feel indulgent; I have good memories about it.

life:lameshit, music, life:youwillregretthisinthemorning

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