So I watched "No Man's Land" and "Misbegotten."
My screaming rage at this woman! Seriously, screaming rage. So, to show my screaming rage (and perhaps, I could find new words) I have an imtemized list.
I. In the "hey, look, we know all of you missed last week's episode, here's a crap recap" thing, I am stunned. Why are Michael and Teyla not having astoundingly pretty and charming babies? WHY? This shows something inherently wrong with the world, people, the world. Because, really. Teyla and Michael? There would be this flat and straight hair, and their little babies might have this nice mocha-coloured skin, or they would have a sort of meringue thing going on, and ah. it is so amazingly hot in my brain that it needs to happen, like now. I do not care that the show never listens to me, or that I have not seen "Michael" at all, thereby having no knowledge of what, exactly, went on between them.
ii.Oh, right. Wraith!Michael. Perhaps not with the babies, so much. Teyla? Tucker on line one for you? Please, let that happen.
II. Elizabeth Weir. I will perform a keyboard smash now. You are the leader of Atlantis, yea. But delegate, woman. If Caldwell gives his expert opinion, and it's a no-go, hoping the faries will save them if the repairs don't hold? Doesn't work. Also, you'd think that Chuck would get to make the coffee, but Elizabeth Weir is probably really demanding about that too. Does my love for Caldwellshine though, here? A little too much, you say?
ii. oh, yes, this complaint will be reiterated. If, after every sentence, you can just imagine me going "Elizabeth Weir, delegate!" you have a good idea of what it was like, watching this with me.
III. Landry, shut the heck up.
IV. Elizabeth Weir, shut the heck up.
V. IOA. Let me have your little pedantic babies now! I like this, even as the fight is a bit futile. Fight the cowboy-mentality and ah-well mood at the SGC? That's a steep slope and heavy boulder, Sisyphus.
ii. I love how much volume their hair has, though. That's a pretty humid briefing room.
iii. Alright, who thought that the Japanese lady was Ameratsu? That would have been freaking awesome. The Goa'uld are baaaaack!
iii.a I want the Goa'uld baaaaack.
VI. Oh, Woolsey. I love you so much. But, I was checking over some old meta and found
this Okay, so he's an ass in "Misbegotten" but really, these are like the trainwreck episodes. Everything goes wrong for everyone in "Misbegotten" and yes, more poor command decisions than usual are made. But right now, I am kind of proud of them, soldiering on even though they mostly cannot act.
VII. So, giant space battle. That's pretty cool. Also, Sheppard is dumb. But he sort of saves Mr. Weapons in every orifice and Miz McKay. I also think that the Miz and Mr ought to hang out more.
ii. Why am I mocking Ronon and Rodney? Well, like Captain Jack Harkness, Ronon totally keeps weaponry in um, surprising places. Therefore, Mr. Weapons in every orifice. And McKay looks like a girl. A hot and smart girl, but a girl nonetheless. Also, "Miz McKay and Mrs. Miller" sounds like a lesbian porn movie, about dirty-minded governesses, and that just cracks me up. So, the names stay.
VIII. Lorne! Zelenka! Caldwell! Nameless second who is awesome! Big pretty ships!
ii. in more than one sense.
IX. AHA. The rest of this episode was pretty funny. Stupid ideas ahoy. Lorne and the black-widow-complex. Why is he not dating Sam? The Miz with a gun. Ugly Wraith people! Everyone with a completely inapproipate reaction to CO2 poisoning!
I am getting bored of listing things.
To reiterate:
VI. Woolsey, I love you. The Tom Paris is my head is freaking out right now. I am also freaking out because I have Tom Paris in my head.