May 20, 2014 19:13
So... it's been three years (and some days) since my last post, apparently. Quick catch up: took the full-time position at work; graduated with my Masters in the professional track, so I bypassed my language exam and thesis; bought a new car; attended my dad's funeral; got another new car (truck); no longer wish to speak to my mom's side of the family a lot of days out of the year; vacationed in Vegas, and while I had a lot of fun, it was a little disappointing; and I still don't have a Facebook page, though I'm getting more and more tempted to register for Twitter.
Anyway, the point of this post is to introduce a revamp to my journal. I will continue to post stuff about life in general, but I'm doing this for a specific purpose: I've always had an interest in marketing, and I generally love to see and analyze how companies market their products to consumers. But lately, some marketing strategies that I come across just seem so... what's the word... crap. So I've decided to use this small space of the interwebs for my own critiques of what I see and/or hear. If my observations strike you with inspiration to comment and begin a discussion on the merits of media advertising, all the better! So please feel free to comment and discuss.