Sep 19, 2009 18:39
I had a dream last night that I was at an Aerosmith concert...
... only to wake up this morning to find it was only a dream, AND realize that I've never actually been to one. I was so bummed, because I love them.
I went into work today, where I did markdowns on all of our trade books (some went to zero, most went to a dollar, and then increasing increments, but we no longer have any trade books that are more than 9.99). Anyway, as I was taking books off the shelf to begin counting and pricing, I saw the back of one through the shelf spaces, and right in front of me was a picture of a very young Steven Tyler (it turns out that it was a copy of CREEM, the old rock and roll magazine).
Suffice it to say, my dream came rushing back to me, along with all the crushing reality of me never having gone to one of their concerts, and them having been here, in my town, in my price range to go, back in July.
Eh, oh well.
Now, I realize the last time I posted anything was back when my truck broke down, so here's the resolution to that: the battery was completely dead. Not an ounce of power left. So I got a new one, with an eight year warranty.
As for school, it has started once again, and I guess it's ok. I'm taking five classes again, but they're interesting. And if not interesting, they're easy. And if not easy, they're helpful. Let me show you what I mean:
Biological Basis of Health and Disease - not interesting (though I laughed when my prof talked about smegma), but it's biology, so it's easy
Modern China - third semester of my Chinese History survey (took Traditional and Medieval earlier), and it's interesting, easy, and helpful, lol
Advanced Performance III - voice class, not as easy as my other ones, but it's fun and interesting
Beginning Chinese I - interesting and fun, but HARD as hell; Imma need it later in life
Region Culture (Japanese Culture) - my prof is a hilarious Japanese lady (quote: "you know, brah brah brah"), but it makes me sad that the only people in my class aside from me are there because they're either 1) otaku or 2) wanted an easy behavioral/brain sciences elective; anyway, it's kind of fun. we wrote japanese poetry the other day, standard 5-7-5-7-7. mine was:
I no longer see
Where the green grass used to grow
My dreams of childhood
That would sing to me of joy;
An endless source of sorrow
But I guess that's enough of me rambling. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!