Jan 07, 2009 23:10
Today was like, the worst fucking day.
I've been trying to switch my phone account from my sister's name to mine, you know, build up some credit. This morning they told me it would cost $400 to switch the account. Um, no? And my mom is so not helping anything. I told her I was going to just start a new account, and she's like, "Why don't we just stick to what we have now?" Which totally defeats the purpose of why I want to get a new account to begin with! DX
Anyway, and then six hours at work without a break or food of any kind, with pissed off and confused, not to mention stupid, customers coming in in floods just didn't help any. I mean, our book shelves are roped off, and we ask them to seek assistance instead of just going in there, and what does that apparently mean to them? Go the hell on in because they can't possibly mean that we can't go in there by ourselves. Jesus, I got so pissed seeing so many people in the shelves, that I just wanted to turn to them and scream, "Get the fuck out of my aisles!" Seriously? And most of them just go in there to get ISBNs so they can find the book somewhere cheaper, and all that fucking information is on our website. Stop taking our time and crowding our CLOSED shelves with shit like that!! DX
It didn't end any better. I went shopping with a friend when I was exhausted, hungry, cold, and had a headache. Bad judgment call on my part, I'll admit. And my mom pissed me off again, in like, less than five minutes on the phone.
And to make it all just fucking peachy, I got an e-mail from the bursar's office telling me that my refund has been processed, and it's $50 short. Not like it's a big deal, but that money is scholarship money that I need for books and rent, and I was promised a certain amount that they're not paying up. Now I'll have to go to them, show them the e-mail, and ask, where the hell is my money? Some people...
Anyway, thanks for listening to me rant. Let's hope tomorrow is a better day.