
Aug 21, 2014 20:31

So if you have been paying attn to my other social networks you should know I got fired, again.

The regional manager for Starbucks gave my company a choice, me or the central Oregon region. I didn't want to move to Houston so they gave vacation time n lieu of pay and fired my ass.

Fired, again. Damn it hurts, worse it is a sign there is something really wrong with me. Not personable enough, too prickly, just not nice, I'm a fucking asshole.

I don't want to be an ass, but honestly I don't mind being an ass Too Much. So much is just manifestation of my fear and discomfort, if I could just find the right niche...

I need a position where my positive aspects shine through, where people are willing to overlook my occasional social lapses.

But I think the problem is that I think I a better than this and it shows through no matter how hard I try to hide it. And that's just unacceptable, you ever worked with someone who thought they were better than "this"? It sucks, and that's what I constantly exude on the background, I really do try to be humble but I just can't completely forget how much I rock.

via ljapp

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