So, something finally went right ^_^ Sorta. It's quite funny actually
It's always great when you find out that the person you are interested in, also happens to also be interested in you. However; it usually helps if a close friend, also a friend of his, doesn't mis-understand your musings on dating younger men so that when asked about your feelings on the matter says "Might not be such a good idea" XD He's 2 years younger than I am, we go to school together, or we did before I started my break. I think it's hilarious in a Oh Good Lord kinda way. And I'm a little all over the place because things RARELY work out this well for me. Most times it's just me, or I have some weird ass stalker. I was spazzing at
acostilow earlier, and she just laughed at me LOL I feel a little silly and high schoolish *las* for it being such a deal ^_^;
Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled fandom.