short spam

Oct 21, 2008 22:43

Got a scare earlier when clubbox wouldn't work. Everything is back to normal now. weew.

VS Arashi 27(?)

Sho-baka Oh-chan being chastised!!lol, a rarity~ Knocked the coin tower over^^

Matsumoto Jun or Gravia model? Nino wonders. really he does

The strategy that will only work for Aiba. ;P (tall boy <3)
Miracle result!! 210 points! O_O

up for a Aiba + Jun type moment?


Jun: If 2 and 3 drop, how will you catch them?

Aiba: like this~!

wait a moment though--

Jun: wouldn't it be better with your arms the other way around?

Aiba: Ohhh! It's true!

too. cute.

and it'd be a crime not to include this:

Sho-chan, with the help of Arashi-petting, has managed to overcome his push-over tendencies and bloom into a cruel man. ^^


lastly, everyone needs a little tongue. <3

tiny tidbit from the shukudai #who knows



finally, some pic from the toretate photobook. I was trying to choose my favs to post, but there were too many and I don't want to kill anyone's internet, so I decided on thumbnails. :))
sorry for the obvious bias. *dies* seriously, bias doesn't even explain why I only have two Sho's cut out...! WHY? oh well, I'll make up for it eventually. In the meantime,

Ohno is looking positively kingly and moronic at turns. Love it.

Sho! look, you're on my banner! I love you too!! *headsmash*

Aiba's smile <333

Jun, Jun, please never change~

The flowers are absolutely beautiful. Um. yeah.

Ohmiya! SK!

My favorite of favorites!

nostalgic, those final 2

Second to last one is a fav. of fav. as well ^^

photobook, vs arashi, screen capping is an addiction

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