Secrets with children

Jul 11, 2008 11:00

Himitsu no Arashi-chan... Does the title fit anymore at all? But I can't be too disappointed with this show if they keep bringing in the kids.

And even Ageha is cool for me if Nino is there. (see screen caps, somehow, I'm sorry about those...) Anything is better than the face-washing segment. Sadly, next week doesn't look very interesting. More Ageha? Just Ageha? Is there gonna be anything else? *sigh* Well, in his nikki Nino says he's gone to be a babysitter again, so more of that to look forward to. Childminder Arashi, Face washing, and Ageha....Kinda seems a little sad that this is pretty much the summation of the last couple of episodes of Himitsu, that and the ingenius Hana Yori Dango promotion parts. I enjoy it a lot, but I can't see how anyone who doesn't know Arashi would like it.

Teaser? Actually, I was embarassed by my excessive capping of this guy, and didn't want to post a long line of pictures just focussed on him. X_x.
My sister thinks I'm crazy to like a guy who looks 16. 'He's 25 you know!!'

Firstly, as mentioned, more Ageha! Aiba's favorite!! (or not, poor thing) Umm, Fashion show, contest thing this time? Yep. But, yappari Nino's screen caps turned out better. XDD

These two are here together AGAIN, and I am not yet bored of it. ^^


Neener went a little crazy introducing this topic, though it's actually Aibabe doing the introducing. HAND MOTIONS ARE LOVE.


Laughing!! and Ohno in the corner. ^o^

I tried to keep these on my computer.... They just jumped onto photobucket by themselves

Tehe, the same intro as earlier

lolz, Aiba is sad that he doesn't have a childminding license.  Feels left out? T_T

Mention of Ageha?

Okay, busy now, so not many more random thoughts, just see the awsome that it Nino and Jun with a cute baby boy.


Of course, he doesn't doesn't like kids ne? XDD

Awwwww, what a cute little baaaaby.


NINO. Eat more. When even the baby thinks you should.... What am I saying, kyaaaaaaa! Baby feeding Neener. SO CUTE


Such a happy kid ne~

Don't they look wonderful all together?

There concludes this week's Mago Mago Arashi-- Kodomo no Bangohan Childminder Arashi.

I woke up at 7:30 again today to watch Maou. (*is way too proud about that*) Maaaaah, I liked this episode better than the first one, oddly. I really don't know why... Riida was even more scary and cool? He got to talk a little bit more, even if it was just to that annoying girl, Shiori. Gosh he's so much better at acting than I thought he would be... Ack, I'm not posting about that now, don't want to say anything and spoil it for anyone. ^^

Has everyone heard the zoom in preview for Arashi's 'Kaze no Muko e' and seen the News Zero preview with Sho kun in the studio??

I love it so much, I think. The song. It's just... Happy. I get such a happy feeling listening to it, bouncing up and down. Heehee, I told myself I wouldn't buy anymore singles, but I did anyway. <^_^::
The one with the PV version for Kaze no Mukou e, not Truth... I just can't get both, but I probably just decided on 'Kaze' because it was announced the most recently. So difficult, this being a dedicated Arashi fangirl thing. And it's even more annoying, because I'm really obsseive about getting the best price, so even after orignally buying from CD Japan at $21.3, I canceled that an ordered at Playasia today because the price was 2 dollars cheaper. Worth it? For me, yes. But I did the exact same thing with One Love when it came out, and you would think I would have learned to just wait for Playasia in the first place. ^_^;;;

maou, nino, single, screen capping is an addiction

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