How Chris and I Met

Feb 04, 2008 17:15

Here's something I filled out about how Chris and I met to cheer things up a bit. Hey, Chris, is this how you remember it, too? <3 Love you, Babe.

1. Where did you meet?
We met at a People to People meeting. This is an organization that gets a buncha smart-ass kids together and takes them to Europe. Chris and I were both obviously, very smart and loved by our teachers, who recommended us. Dunno if that's good or bad. ;-) Anyway, we saw each other at these meetings, but never really spoke or hung out until I sat next to him on our bus ride in France. Then I made him talk to me, lol.

2. What was the first thought that went through your head when you met?
I wonder if I'm bothering him. He's listening to music and sitting on his own in the corner of the bus, so, maybe he wants to be alone? But he's so cute and mature-looking! I've gotta just try and speak to him.

3. Do you remember what was he wearing?
No. Probably dark blue and black clothes with his black boots and sunglasses, though! Very smexy but intimidating to a girl younger than him.

4. Where was the first time you kissed this person?
At MJC, in his car, ha!

5. How did he/she ask you out?
Never did. I slipped that I loved him in an email, and agonized over his response... Of course he replied and said he loved me back! Rest is history.

6. Where did you go for your first date?
Our first fancy date was to Lion's and some other places I can't remember. All I really remember is going to Lion's and dong our fake Lithuanian accents, arguing about the pancakes to make other people look at us. It was hilarious. Sometime we went to a park to picnic, I believe. He locked his keys out of the car, so his Mom had to come and let us back in, lol. She thought we were so cute she took photos of us!

7.How long did you know this person before you became a couple.
Phew... Um, about two years?

8. Has this person ever proposed to you?
Yes. He sang to me at the end of our date and then handed over the sapphire. ;-)

9. Do you and this person have kids together?
Not yet, but eventually we both want kids when we're financially stable.

10. Have you ever broken the law with this person?
Ohho yeah. I can't say what we did, but I think we broke the law twice in the same manner.

11. When was the first time you realized that you liked this person?
I had a crush on him practically since we met, but I realized I loved him once we began hanging out more often at MJC. I loved everything I learned about him.

12. Do you get along with any of the ex's of your partner?
Lord, no. I've only met one, but I already hate her after seeing her for an hour, lol.

13. Do you trust this person?
Like I have never trusted anyone before. I trust him more than myself.

14. Do you see your partner in your future?
I sure do. He better stick around, damn it. ;-)

15. Whats the most expensive thing this person has given you?
My engagement ring, I believe. Oh, and a new kitten, who ended up being sick, so the vet bills are included in the price, ha.

16. What is one thing he/she does that gets on your nerves?
Yikes, I don't think anything he does gets on my nerves. His playing WoW so much used to bug me, but it doesn't any more, since now I play with him!

17. What is the thing you do that gets on his/her nerves?
I talk A LOT to him and make him my psychologist. I talk too much about negative things, and I complain. I probably depress the poor man sometimes!

18. Where do you see each other in 15 years from now?
Hopefully living in a house of our own in Irvine with a kid or two.

19.Will this person repost this?
Nah, he doesn't log on too often.

chris, relationships, survey, love

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