Plan? Who's had time for a plan?!

Nov 27, 2004 22:43

Heehee. Random Tranformers quotes are fun. ^_^

So, my brother and sister-in-law are still here, and we had Thanksgiving at their place. And yes, she is that status. No, she doesn't care. We're happy she's here, and their planning their future at college next year.

My collection of Transformers media releases is as complete as I want it now. The four grapic novels from Dreamworks, all five boxed sets, and the movie. Now to just get that on DVD. And then it's on to the Beast Wars Boxed sets! 'Cause thier less expensive than Star Trek and anime boxed sets. I've also started collecting comics again. Charles is so disappointed. And I don't care. ^_^

Shout out to Kaiden! Happy 23rd birthday!

Shout out to my sister Robin! Happy 24th birthday tomarrow!

I'm just realizing how much I need to respond to on SS. And wondering when the only storyline I have a character in at SmW is going to get up and running.

Random twinkbashing from Angie at SS:

Pet_name: Glyde
> Pet_species: Wyvern
> Pet_description: Glyde is a wyvern, about three feet long. Large swirling
> silver and green eyes stare with an unnatural amount of intelligence and
> you can almost see a smirk on the little dragon's face. A crest of silver
> horns, almost crown-like protrudes from the top of the dragon's head.
> Large fangs protrude the dragon's snout and a long, graceful neck is
> curved into a gentle "S." His claws, sharp and dangerous, tap lightly on
> Rei's shoulder. A large red diamond, the rare Dragonfyre Diamond is
> embedded in the wyvern's throat and from his back, silver wings with a six
> foot wingspan flap lazily. The wings are streaked with crimson, as is the
> rest of the wyvern's body. All over the dragon's body, interlocking black
> scales, hard as diamonds give the little dragon a strange sparkle.

Well, it appears you at least know that a wyvern is a little dragon. Yay.
Step one complete. Step two is to make him not a glorified wyvern because
we all know the number one rule at this RPG is no godmoding.

So...children...lesson fifty-nine for today is always trim your nose hairs
or you might end up with fangs coming out your nostrils like a walrus and
possibly a diamond in your throat (the only way I can see that diamond
being something rare is if it's hollow and somebody performed a
tracheotomy using the diamond to allow the wyvern to breathe. Now THAT
would be some good creative angst. Otherwise it needs to be explained
because having the most powerful most intelligent wyvern in the world is a
nice try at godmoding. This is supposed to be a famous diamond... how come
the moderators don't know about it? Why doesn't everyone know about it?
It's famous!!! But then, if its the first tracheotomy performed on a
wyvern, it must be famous, if a fairly inferior stone to want to hollow it
Oh, quick question. Is the poor liddle wyvern paralyzed from the neck up?
He can move his neck out of that S shape, right?

I dunno about you but a 3 foot bird with a 6 foot wingspan seems like it
would plummet right out of the sky. Dragons have larger wingspans. That's
an awfully big wyvern to be on a six-foot wing span. Of course that may be
why he has to "tap his claws gently on Rei's shoulder" so he keeps his
balance at six feet in the air....Oh, and even without this wingspan
issue, three feet is a good three times the size of a wyvern. He's HUGE.

He sparkles too? Oh wow. Can we use him as a disco ball at the costume
party? And is he supposed to be indestructable? Diamond-hard scales are
like... mythril. Non existant. But he makes a nice paperweight. He can't
fly with the density of those scales. So between the weight of the scales,
his huge body, and his small wingspan (and his paralyzed neck) he doesn't
get along so well in the air. But he'd make a good land tank. All those
spiky things... I wouldn't want to sit on him, that's for sure!


You can say that again, Angie. ^_^
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