On DWG Posts and posts in general

Aug 21, 2013 10:54

is it normal that I get ridiculously happy whenever someone replies to a post or a review that I posted? I was so happy about people also speculating on who the last relationship to be solved is going to be in Shem's TPE.

Since I am not an author or an artist I get used to being ignored quite a bit, so I always delight when someone answers questions I ask in posts :)

Also Shem, I really hope this happens:

Cyndi G August 20, 2013 11:39AM at: http://www.dwiggie.com/phorum/read.php?5,101635,101653#msg-101653
Since Mary's romance is to be her own short story, *wink*, I'm thinking of Freddie and Emma as the other possible couple.

My fondest wish, now that we have seen the Ash/Kitty proposal -and oh, am I still in raptures over that- I want to see a formal dinner in which Kitty holds her own in discussion. I see a dinner party, with the Matlocks, and, maybe, a catty Miss Bingley tries to make Kitty look "insipid" and WHAMO. More than a few people in attendance would be taken aback, no?"


PLEASE have your muse fed so we may get the dinner party and the short story! please? I really need more Mary after TBE

jane austen, net life, dwg

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