Supernatural S03E1

Oct 06, 2007 02:28

After carefully downloading it I have started to watch it and will be writing as
I see episode one so careful!

Dean's time at the beginning: 365days -5 = 360 days left

First the opening segment? I love it! The recaps were great as was the way Supernatural is now made of steal instead of fire! Shows how the focus changes from CelineD to the 200 new friends...

Sam reading while Dean was having his fun is a priceless scene, I had wondered where Dean took all the women he met in bars, not all of them could be a quickie or had taken him home!
Sammy is letting him have his fun while he can!

Dean quip about selling his soul and not having to worry about cholesterol's was very in character, the bit about the cicadas being a bad sign I loved that since where i lived as kid we had lots of those and frankly they always gave the creeps!

New characters: The couple? (Isaac and Tamra?) I love them so far (10minutes in) so cute and in love and hunting. For a second when the guy knocked out Dean I was worried it was Gordon but then Bobby recognized them they were all friendly when our boy was on the floor!

Cut to their house, awesome arsenal and points to Dean for getting the intel! Loved it!!!
We know he can work his charm even through the phone where people can't be hypnotized by his beautiful face! Dean expression about the Appletini was so puzzled and what the heck!
Jensen I missed you!

I:"Family that slays together..."
S: "Right I'm with you there"
(found this quote awkward from Sam's part, waiting for a meta to explain ti for me)

Sammy had a little faux pas you shouldn't ask why people start hunting! it will always have a sob story attached to it, no one wakes up and decides to hunt out of nowhere! Bobby's minute gestures are always so meaningful. I was very glad he was brought back for the first episode.

Seems the news about who opened the gates is already spreading and people aren't thrilled about the Winchesters being around"

Isaac: "Locked my keys in the car, turned my laundry pink, never brought on the end of the world though."
The image of the guy walking around with pink clothes was what stayed with me the most from this sentence.

At 12'55" the new Regular shows up, and it was going so well until now, *sigh*
Dean really is trying to milt his situation for all its worth!

And I'll find a way to get that screen cap of Bobby in a suit! I couldn't recognize him!
I loved Dean' "See I'm working", this episode is making fall for him all over again!

I did not see Isaac's death coming, I wanted them come back! Dean seems very reconciled with with his death and now I see why Jensen in his interview said he would be reckless. Btw Dean, dude bad timing for a joke.

Bobby shows why he is one of the few hunters to make it to the age he has: giving orders, advice and wisdom. putting the young ones in line!

Envy gave a good description of Dean: a walking billboard for gluttony and lust.
So accurate no one tries to deny it!

FAVORITE MOMENT --> at 26' mintutes
Loved it Dean my guy!

But too self sacrificing again! He acts as if he were already dead!
Roack salt seems to not let them in, Boby again... great actor! the look on fat guys face!!
B: "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son"
How cool is that??

Chased by lust? I don't even gave to say how appropriate that was!
Pride? chilling performance kudos to the guy, ge was very... well proud I guess is the word for being the root of all sin!
Demons have heard of the boys... theme continued from s02, I really want a copy of that demon newsletter!

Adjectives used for Sam to be kept in mind for continuation reasons : prodigy, boy king.
Which doesn't sound very good at all, YED was also a very big shot from what we can see, seems he was going to make everyone down bellow bow for Sammy!

And since the sins have black eyes I am going on a limb and say they are minor demons.
Which would explain why the easy exorcism got rid of them that easily.

Dean and the holy water? Great job man!

New character shows up again... and in accordance with the drinking game present in the last chapter or Riley's Paper Tiger: Drink UP Gals!

She saves the day
Recognized by Demon
Hair stays in place
Has a special Weapon that kills demons and only she has in the woorld
Does a mysterious introduction
Knows who the boys are (which everyone seems to do, so no biggie)
Walks coolly away and does a disappearing ac
And as Dean says can fight better than Sam

aaaaaaaaaand leaves the boys to clean up the people she killed!
Verdict: Don't like her, she is marysuesh to me
an if I keep following the drinking game in the next episodes i will greatly increase my alcohol tolerance.

The episode ending?
I though we would have to wait many many episodes for that conversation!
I love it, its heart and honest and the boys.... I won't ruin it by posting about it.

only thing I have to mention is that Dean pulling the one he is entitled to be selfish about, awesome!!
(even if it is bad!)

Really liked the episode... but will pretend blond chick didn't exist!

supernatural, spn_s3

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