Title: As You Imagined
Author: Kori/justagirl8225
Disclaimer: I disclaim.
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Pairing/Characters: Lita/Randy, Lita/Christian-- it'll be explained in the story, Trish/Jericho (eventual), Lilian/Batista (established), Stacy/?, others appearing
Spoilers: Bah.
Summary: It was far worse then they ever could have imagined..
Warnings: Language
Notes: Erm.. I'll explain when there are questions asked. This is set post-Bet storyline but pre-Trish's heel turn in 2004. Ignoring real life situations and most storylines that took place. Setting this on the 12/15/03 edition of RAW but replacing the Battle of the Sexes Two match with the Santa's Little Helper match from 12/29/03.
Part One)