I'm a Giant Survey Whore and I Like Stealing from Jacko

Nov 22, 2007 22:25


5 YEARS AGO- 2002:

1. How old were you? 14

2. Were you in school? Yes

3. If so, where? What year were you in? FHS, a freshie.

4. Who was your best friend? I guess the Kaisers and Mandi. Jenny and Christina a lil bit too at that point.

5. Were you single or taken? Single.

6. If you were taken, who were you dating? No one. I was still convinced no one would ever love me.

7. How long did that last? Why? It didn't.

8. On a Friday where could you be found? Uh. Home or at Applebee's or the movies.

9. Hobbies? I think Final Fantasy VII was my major hobby. And like, square notes.

10. Where did you work? I didn't yet.

11. Where you happy with your life? It was okay. I wasn't unhappy.

12. Where did you live? Franklin

13. What was the best thing about that year of your life? I had a good year academically and I had fun hanging out with school friends. I also had my last year at camp, which was cool.

14. Given the chance would you change anything about that year of your life? Probably not. I think it was necessary to my growth.

15. What was your greatest accomplishment at this age? I don't feel like I accomplished much at all, really.

4 YEARS AGO- 2003:

1. Where did you go to school? What year were you in? I was a sophomore at Franklin High.

2. Who was your best friend? This is the year I met JMK. Yep love.

3. Were you dating anyone? I dated Mike briefly.

4. For how long and why did it end? Briefly. It ended for a bunch of fucked up reasons and a couple of good reasons, too.

5. Did you have any hobbies? I dunno. Hanging out. Playing chess with Katherine.

6. Was this year better than the previous year? Nnno. I'm going with no.

7. Would you change anything about it if you could? I think it was probably important, even the parts that sucked.

8. Highlight of this year of your life? Getting close-ish with Tom.

9. Greatest accomplishment at this age? Fuh. Again. Accomplished very little.

10. Were you still living at home? Yes

11. Overall, were you happy with your life at this point? Again, I wasn't miserable, but I wasn't exactly very happy.

12. Biggest mistake made at this age: I make lots of mistakes. It's hard to remember the years in which they happened.

13. What kind of car did you have? Did you parents buy it for you? I didn't drive and still don't.

14. Where did you work? Started working at MelDiva.

15. Did you have an idea of what you wanted to do with your life? Oh goodness no.

3 YEARS AGO- 2004:

1. Who was your best friend? JMKJMKBD for life.

2. Who were you dating? I dated Chris.

3. Why did this relationship end? I was mad incapable of maintaining romantic feelings for someone, and I became very detached from the whole thing. This is a problem I still have.

4. On on Friday night where could you be found? MelDiva, working. Probs.

5. Any hobbies? Having tons of fun with JMK. And like, anime. Ness.

6. Was this year better than the year before? Oh most def. Great year.

7. Where did you work? Still Mel's, then camp.

8. Were you still driving the same car? Yes.

9. High point of the year? Oooh, Anime Boston, JMK times, Red Sox victory. Yeah, good year.

10. Learn any life lessons this year? People can be great. Great. Also diabetes is lame.

11. Where did you live? Franklin.

12. Any regrets at this age? Well, sure. Like I said, I make mistakes.

13. Would you do it all over again, without changing a thing, if you could? No, I've already done it.

14. Would you go back in time to change something about your life at this age if you could? Maybe. Maybe not though.

15. What was your age? I was 16

2 YEARS AGO- 2005:

1. How old were you? 17

2. Had you decided what you wanted to be when you ‘grew up’ ? Hell no.

3. Had you had a long term relationship? Not like, really long.

4. At this point in your life, had your heart ever been broken? I don't know about broken, but I was pretty crushed about something. Someone. Whatevs.

5. Who was your best friend? JMK.

6. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? I didn't have one for most of the year.

7. Had you thought about marriage and who you wanted to marry yet? Uh, no.

8. What year were you in in school? I was a junior mostly.

9. Were you happy with your life? It was okay. I had a relatively miserable winter but I was hanging out with great people so it was okay in the end.

10. Was this year better than the preceding year? Not really, no.

11. If you could not change a single thing, would you do it over again? Once again, I've already done it.

12. Anything unexpected happen during this year of your life? Meeeeh. Not... no.

13. What was you biggest mistake made at this age? There are like, three or four people I kind of dicked over, mostly inadvertantly. I consider that a glaring mistake.

14. Where did you work? I worked at camp again in the summer.

15. Had you been in love? No. Only with JMK.

1 YEAR AGO- 2006:

1. How old were you? 18

2. Highlight of your year at this age? Graduating was fab. Fabby fab fab.

3. Who were you dating? Ian.

4. Were you done with school? I finished high school, started college.

5. Who were you dating? Uh?

6. How long did you date this person & why did it end? Like a year and a half. It ended because I can't maintain a relationship and became emotionally detached. Familiar?

7. Had you figured your life out at this point? Heavens no.

8. Were you happy? I was happy during the spring and summer, fall and winter less so.

9. Would you change anything if you could? Eh. Again, growth. Maybe I'd never go on the pill. That's a good one. Maybe smoke less pot.

10. Did you still have the same job as you did the year before? No, no job.

11. Hobbies? Visit Somerville, hang out, fool around on the computer.

12. Best friend? JMK.

13. Were you in love? Yeah, I was.

14. Did you have a job or a career? Nope.

15. Still drive the same car as you did the year before? Yep, same one.

THIS YEAR- 2007:

1. How old are you? 19

2. Are you happy with your life as a whole? Yeah. I am.

3. Are you single or taken? Taken.

4. How long have you been with your significant other? About 3 months.

5. Biggest life lesson learned this year? Man. I don't know. I guess I learned that you can never be sure about people, including yourself. Don't ever presume anything. Also, people can be bitches. Straight bitches. Like, I knew this, but sometimes I forget it. Also, college can be great fun.

6. Do you know what you want to do with your life career wise? Oh my, no!

7. Do you know who you want to marry? Oh my, no!

8. Are you still in school? Yes.

9. Do you still live with your parents? During breaks yes.

10. Where do you work? I do work study and I worked at AI for a month.

11. Is this year better than the previous 5? Parts of it have been absolutely fantastic, parts of it have blown blown blown. Like Europe? Amazing. Winter? Fuckin' lame. Sophomore year? Lovely. Opportunities to see all my friends? Lacking. Spencer? Amazing. It's been a mixed bag of year. To be sure.

12. Have you ‘found’ yourself? A bit. I'd say I've found a considerable chunk of myself.

13. Highlight of your year? Europe and this semester so far.

14. Would you change anything about this year if you could? That question is way too damn hard. You'll understand if you know about my year.

15. Rate you life right now on a scale of 1-10: Right now? In this very moment? 8 or 9.

retrospective, survey, end of the year

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