"Broken" post-ep drabbles.

Sep 21, 2009 23:28

Title: Days of Absence
Author: dominus_trinus (
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post-ep, chase, drabbles, character pov: cuddy, wilson, character pov: wilson, cuddy, character pov: chase

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Comments 9

phinnia September 22 2009, 04:29:40 UTC
i haven't seen the episode yet. but these are beautiful. and i'm so glad you're writing again <3


lit_luminary September 22 2009, 04:36:51 UTC
Thanks for your comment; it's great to hear from you! I felt the absence of the rest of the cast in the episode and thought taking a look at their lives without House was worth doing.

(But I haven't been idle while waiting for the season to start: I'm also working on a large-scale AU of ruby_took's Werewolf Saga that I hope to start posting around Halloween, give or take a week.)


9_of_clubs September 22 2009, 05:36:19 UTC
Awww those were poignantly beautiful. I loved them a lot, awesome job! Especially the last line of Chase's one! <3


lit_luminary September 22 2009, 05:39:37 UTC
Thanks for your comment! And yes--the quasi-paternal nature of House's relationship with Chase is something I love exploring in fic.


indigo_inferno September 22 2009, 12:15:32 UTC
Most awesome. This makes so much sense even though I haven't seen the new episode yet.

Thank you for sharing. :D


lit_luminary September 22 2009, 18:40:32 UTC
Thanks for your comment! I'm glad you enjoyed it despite not having seen the new episode.


asnightbird September 22 2009, 16:24:41 UTC
These are fantastic! I especially love that you get why Wilson hung up on House and didn't visit. From mailing lists I'm on, it appears few do. Lots of anger out there!

Each one of these was quite perceptive. I like how you also get the Chase-House relationship.

OH SUPER!!!! (Jumping up and down) I so look forward to your AU of ruby_took's Werewolf Saga. I love it! You two work so well together on it. Your writings complement each other so well, even when you do your own versions/stories.


lit_luminary September 22 2009, 18:45:41 UTC
It was fairly obvious to me why Wilson didn't visit: in the scene he was present, he made it clear he was committed to helping House recover, even if the best way to do that was by his absence.

The House-Chase mentorship/quasi-paternal relationship is something I enjoy exploring in fic: in many ways, they're similar people and have unique insight into one another.

(Thanks, too, for your compliment on the Werewolf Saga; I'll pass it along to the creatrix. The AU I'm working on will open about four years after "With Our Eyes Upon the Moon", and the House-Chase father/son relationship will be prominent for various reasons.)


pasdepixie October 6 2009, 02:36:42 UTC
This is really beautiful. Although I liked the episode, it was Disneyfied and didn't focus enough on the other characters. Your insight brings new depths.
"...she’s gotten used to having House as her personal cuckoo to punctuate the hours."
"When House leaves Mayfield-when, not if; he’s not Danny, he can heal..."
"...he’s not even sure he believes anymore that prayers are heard, but acknowledging the wish behind the words counts for something."

Great work.


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