If you've stumbled upon this blog you might wonder what it is about, and what qualifies me to write it.
My name is Danielle Ackley-McPhail and, among other things, I am the author of the upcoming writers' guide, The Literary Handyman: Tips On Writing From Someone Who's Been There. Should I be fortunate, this will be the first in a series of tailored guides composed of short articles about the craft of writing, and the business of publishing.
For those of you who don't know me, I have worked in publishing for the last sixteen years, over that time performing virtually every job there is in the industry, which has given me a very unique--and I can only hope informed--perspective on the topic. For ten of those sixteen years I have also been a published author and editor. (To learn more about my work you can visit
Now ask me why... (I'll give you a hint...it's not the money.)
I love writing and I love books.
That having been said, this is not an easy industry. I do everything I can to support those like I myself used to be, starry-eyes writers dreaming of changing their status to author...while not having the faintest clue of how to get started. This blog is one of the means by which I can accomplish that. I fully intend to post one article here each week on writing and or publishing. If I'm on a roll...there may even be two!
If you have any topics you would like me to cover, please do drop me an email at greenfirephoenix @ aol . com!
Dream Big!