More of the joy of reading... I'm still catching up on my list of Buffy and Sentinel fanfic that I haven't had time to read lately.
Buffy Stuff
Misconceptions (Spander): Xander starts by announcing he's pregnant, and the laughter that follows doesn't make him feel any better about this mess. I don't normally go for m-preg. Okay, I normally detest m-preg, but this is good. It's a WIP, but it's complete enough to not be frustrating.
Aftermath (Spander): Lush detail, interesting original characters, a convincing post NFA plot, and Angelus. Who doesn't love a story with our favorite psycho? Of course, there is a really bad bit in the middle where Angelus isn't anyone's favorite, but if you've read the Broken universe, this torture is... okay, still kinda squicky, but very well done.
Finding Home (Spander): Okay, this is a guilty pleasure. The characters get together far to quickly, with Spike feeling safer at the very scent of Xander-musk on page one; however, I still love it. I love Xander's exasperation and his mother's attempts to be supportive, and the happy ending. So sue me. Yes, it's out of character. Yes, it's predictable, Yes, it IS wonderful.
Sentinel Stuff
Like a Fish Needs and Anthropologist (Blim): In character cranky Jim, in character push Blair, what more could you want? It has a really nice sweet moment at the end.
Kith and Kin (Gen): OMG.... Holy shit this is good. Serious angst, a solid case, and a mystery that leaves you clicking the next chapter link as fast as you can. READ IT. It made me cry!