Name: Hannah /
whisperelmwoodAge: 25
Aspiring to be: I'm a Freelance Artist, but I have a Fantasy Trilogy in the works and a few kids books banging about in my head. Of course, I'll be self illustrating (my BA is in Illustration.)
Influenced by: Greg Bear, Janny Wurts, Robert Holdstock, Piers Anthony, Terry Brooks, Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman.
What I'm working on: The Empress of Nareku: Book 01 (I've not yet named all three books, only have tentative working titles - book 01 is 'Witch Child' but I have the feeling this will change significantly)
Anything else you feel like sharing: 'Empress' has been in the works, banging about in my head for about ten years now. I have the 'universe' (including everything from social structure for three seperate countries and a number of smaller societies, to teen fashion, to political structures, to the use of magic and technology, to even vernacular language and the various mythologies etc) all mapped out and filling many notebooks. I only recently actually started writing the books. However, in my defence, I have been writing comics and (dare I say it?) fanfiction for a long time.