May 11, 2008 16:26
Name: Kim
Age: 17
Aspiring to be: writing-wise, an author and screenwriter; non-writing wise, a director
Influenced by: mainly music, but pretty much anything - other people's conversations, something that happens during my day. It varies
What I'm working on: a massive YA novel, called We Folk, following eight or so high school seniors through their last year (there's too much plot to even summarize); a fantasy novel(s) about elves (aiming for bad vs. bad, instead of regular good vs. bad); some screenplays and about a dozen other novels that keep popping into my head
Anything else you feel like sharing: I try not to write too depressing, but I am Canadian, so my protagonists usually suffer greatly - I'm actually a very bubbly and happy person. Sometimes, my writing really doesn't reflect that, :D