playgrounds, bad engrish, and driving...

Apr 23, 2007 03:19

Because I don’t want to plan any lessons I thought I would be less productive and write in my journal. As usual, it’s been an eventful last few weeks. Last weekend was Andy’s birthday party/dinner. There were about 8 of us who went out for dinner at a Japanese restaurant (ok, that sounded a little stupid since obviously every restaurant in this country is Japanese!). After we went over to Gerard’s house for the party. For some reason everyone seemed drunk before 10. Not sure what that was about! Someone brought Twister so that provided some entertainment for a while. Drunken people doing twister is definitely interesting. I was sick that weekend so wasn’t feeling too great to begin with. I still observed the merriment even if I didn’t necessarily take part in it.
The following day Andrea came to stay in Miyoshi and visit. It was the first time she had come here and we take the poor girl everywhere. We went Miyoshi “sightseeing” first and then on a random road trip to the next prefecture to go back to that amazing playground. In the evening we went to karaoke with a few other people. I think everyone was absolutely exhausted by the end of the day. Sunday was spent recovering from the day before and also visiting some marina shopping place. Andy’s hay fever was playing up so we didn’t stay long.

Finally, I started teaching again last week. It had only been 3 weeks of sitting at my desk twiddling my thumbs! Well, I was sick on Monday so didn’t actually go to school but Tuesday I started teaching. It’s definitely been an interesting experience teaching these newbies. My favourite phrases so far have been “My hobby is sleeping” and “My hobby is eating lunch”. I realized today just how soul destroying this job can be sometimes. My jte and I stood there for 10 mins waiting for a student to answer what his favourite food was. It sounds cruel to pick on him but he knew exactly what he needed to say and he refused to say it. There’s no point in him coming to class if he’s not going to even try!!! Apart from that, I had students not even understand the sentence “my name is Lisa”.

On a happier note, my weekend was good and eventful as always. Friday night was okonomiyaki (my favourite Japanese dish) night and a while later going to meet up with a few people for karaoke. Saturday involved walking/hiking through a gorge and sucking in all the nature and fresh air which will last me a long time. Saturday night Andy cooked dinner for Hans and I whilst at Hans’s place. Sunday was spent watching a Taiko performance in a local park.
The highlight of my day was getting my car. After 3 fcukin weeks of Japanese fcukin paperwork, I could legally drive the car. Of course, it had to be a heavy rainstorm night!!!! This beast of a car is nothing like my baby Yaris in Belgium. It’s like twice its size AND on the wrong side of the road. Its gonna be interesting to get used to but its all good!!! Part of the Japanese experience!!!
After picking up the car Andy, Koji and I went for pizza at a friends house. Im still not so keen on this whole putting potato on top of a pizza but at least it was vegetarian which is sometimes rare in Japan.
I’m over excited for this coming weekend because I’m spending 5 days in Tokyo on a sightseeing/shopping/chilling trip. Then I get to meet up with someone whom I met at my London orientation but haven’t seen since. A whole 8 days of freedom. That’s enough to make anyone happy!
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