I know I said I wouldn't update, but I've got ONE thing to say, and it's going to piss a lot of you off, and it isn't going to be pretty, and I'm not going to apologise for it, because a number of you have said your pieces, and while I'm quiet most of the time, I'm not shutting up this time. I'm going to crosspost it to myspace, so if you see a
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My problem isn't the price, it's the mentality.
Some jerk today, was complaining and made a
"Well this is the tree hugging libertarians faults, they complain about drilling for more"
I just wanted to bash him in the head. How selfish.
It's an environmental AND a conservation issue.
Alternatives to fuel should be worked on, but that takes time. If we just consume all the fuel, and we run out, WHICH IS INEVITABLE, and no alternative is ready for mass usage, then what?
People need to think about more than what is convenient for THEM. Here. Now. Today.
They don't look at the bigger picture.
He was also complaining "This just makes everything more expensive. Everything has to be trucked in."
Yes. I'll tell you why everything he wants is going to be more expensive. Because he likes to buy the $1.00 cans of chili that we pay pennies to foreigners to make and can, instead of paying a fare price to local farmers and companies for their local goods.
The local ones won't need to raise their prices, because they are LOCAL and don't need to be trucked in.
Of course there are always some preferred goods that will be trucked, or imported, or shipped, etc, but, the majority of things don't need to come from all over the place.
People don't think.
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