First Tide Turning ☠ [action + marauding + voice]

Jul 23, 2011 15:17

Seems there's types about who'd make the village safe. Police; a village watch. They'll want prisons, next. A gallows.

Rather funny, that, considering the nature of the place, eh?

There's rogues about. Mind that; and if you can't, lock your doors.

Cut for action )

climbing in your windows, saqueador, a bit of piracy at last, snatching your people up

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[Voice] notshadowfever July 23 2011, 21:20:13 UTC
Did you just say this place has a police force?


[Voice] lists_to_port July 24 2011, 00:11:32 UTC
Nah, mate---just that they're thinking of one, which to my mind is just as downright horrible. Can you imagine it? The fact that the Batman resides here is bad enough, with his skulking on top of buildings and wearing of the cape and such.


[Voice] notshadowfever July 24 2011, 00:22:44 UTC
[Well it's not in place yet. That's something.]

Hmph! Horrible indeed! And with the number of heroes here in Luceti, I get the feeling a police force won't just be a bunch of mindless mooks to push around, either.


lists_to_port July 24 2011, 00:32:16 UTC
Ugh. FAR too many heroes, this place. Strutting about in their tights and so forth. Batman. Bugger. The police force would be one to reckon with, that's certain.


notshadowfever July 24 2011, 00:47:11 UTC
Batman? Is that supposed to be some sort of superhero name? [Seriously, people put "man" on the end of a noun and think they're so smart.] Perhaps we wouldn't be in this mess if they directed their 'justice' at the Malnosso.


lists_to_port July 24 2011, 00:51:31 UTC
Aye, Batman. [There is so much venom packed into that one name. But you'd hate Batman too, if he'd nearly drowned your best friend.

And good Lord you've gotten Jack started on Batman.]

He waits in the shadows, doesn't he? Oh, aye! Waits in the shadows until he can dive right in and turn everything to MUSHY BOLLOCKS.


notshadowfever July 24 2011, 01:01:40 UTC
[I'd be more worried about my own sailing skills, but either way Eggman's about due to be on the end of an angry rant for once in Luceti anyway.]

He sounds like quite the annoying pest! I'd be less worried if I had any of my robots handy, but now I'll have to make sure he's not alerted to my plans.


lists_to_port July 24 2011, 01:26:49 UTC
.....Robots? [Jack does not like the Metal Men, Eggman. And once his girlfriend got turned into one. He is wary.]

Still---best to filter things, I suppose. Or not journal them at all.


notshadowfever July 24 2011, 01:33:58 UTC
Yes, robots. I had quite the army of them before I was dragged to this forsaken place. [Eggman's pretty oblivious to the idea that everything he does isn't fantastic.]

Very true, though, although it does somewhat take the fun out of villainy when you can't broadcast it for the world to hear.


lists_to_port July 24 2011, 01:51:31 UTC
Dunno about that---sometimes villainy's best when the victims discover it much later, after they're far to your stern and a fair wind's behind you.


notshadowfever July 24 2011, 01:52:32 UTC
Where's the challenge in that? The satisfaction of boasting your superiority to the enemy?


lists_to_port July 24 2011, 02:08:52 UTC
That's the best part! You call out your taunts and boasts as he's watching his mainmast crash to the deck!


notshadowfever July 24 2011, 02:19:57 UTC
I prefer a more direct confrontation. Besides, my villainy doesn't really take place in such an, erm, nautical setting as you seem to be referring to.


lists_to_port July 24 2011, 02:38:17 UTC
Oh? What sort of villainy are you engaged with, mate?


notshadowfever July 24 2011, 02:43:48 UTC
The very best kind: World domination. The building of one, glorious empire to secure my place in history as the greatest man who ever lived!


lists_to_port July 24 2011, 03:12:26 UTC
Well what on earth do you want that for? You'd have to be.............


An administrator.

[The very thought! ANATHEMA!]


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