Зачем Путину байк и истребитель?

Jul 31, 2010 00:51

Без тени иронии.
Новость дня на сайте газеты The Washington Post

Президент Обама в пятницу был за рулем автомобиля. Это случилось во второй раз, с весны 2007 года, когда он попал под опеку Секретной Службы. Управляя новеньким электромобилем Chevy Volt президент проехал примерно 3 (три) метра, очень медленно, с остановками. Поездке предшествовал краткий инструктаж, проведенный специалистом Секретной Службы. Когда Обама удачно проник в салон и занял кресло водителя, заботливый пресс-секретарь напомнил, что автомобиль оборудован подушкой безопасности.

Obama drives a car, haltingly

DETROIT -- President Obama got behind the wheel of a car Friday for the second time since he started receiving Secret Service protection in the spring of 2007 -- driving a black Chevy Volt for about 10 feet, haltingly and at a crawl.

"Pretty smooth," he announced after emerging from the new electric car, which his administration helped make possible by bailing out struggling General Motors.

White House official said the only other time the president has been behind the wheel of a moving car recently was when he drove a Dodge Charger at a Secret Service training facility a few months ago. There were no cameras for that presidential moment.

Obama happily hopped into the Volt after brief consultations with the Secret Service and a concern voiced by press secretary Robert Gibbs that the novel new car had an airbag.

(Read more on the Volt)

The president's last personal car was a Ford Escape hybrid that was returned when the lease was up, an official said. He now is often driven in a car dubbed "the beast" for its armor plating and bulletproof glass.

оригинал: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/44/2010/07/obama-drives-a-car-haltingly.html?hpid=artslot


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