(no subject)

Jul 09, 2005 01:26

k here comes a rant.  just to let you know when I say "me" i dont always mean me as myself.  i mean me as a woman.  my female friends.  what i know, what i've felt, what i fear.


"well, i AM a man"

"i'm a red-blooded man, what do you expect?"

"i'm a man with blood running through my veins, how could I not {insert whatever asshole thing here}?"

thats the lamest excuse for being a shitface i've ever heard.  and probably one of the most over-used.  just because you have a penis and more testosterone than i do doesnt give you any excuse to do the things you do.  it doesn't give you the right to look down my shirt or stare at my boobs.  i dont care if i have nice boobs or great tits.  you have no right to strain to get a better view.  it doesn't give you the right to rape me, even if you think i'm asking for it.  it doesn't give you the right to do innappropriate things.  things you shouldn't be doing.  you know what im talking about.  there are limits to what you can do, just because you're horny doesn't mean the rules are gonna bend for you.  just 'cause you have a fucking penis doesn't give you the god-given right.

people use it like its an excuse.  "he couldn't help himself."  oh god.  "i'm a man, i can't control it."  "i'm a man, i was powerless to stop it."  just because you want it doesn't mean you have to get it, or you can't stop it.  just because a hot woman is tempting you doesn't mean you have to cheat on your devoted gf.  just because your daughter is developing nicely doesnt mean you have to fucking molest her.  just because you see a slutty girl walking alone doesnt mean its your fucking "duty as a man" to rape her.  we all have willpower. we all have choices.  even you and your penis.

I don't hate men.  i thought i did for a while, but I don't.  but SO MANY MEN, so many fucking men . . .  they think their dicks are stronger than their brains.  so they succumb to it.  they stop considering whats right or wrong, whats okay and whats taking it too far, and let their testosterone control their actions.  they're smarter than that. they know better.  so why do they let it happen?  i think all people are born or are at least raised with a basic set of morals.  so why do so so many let that one sense overpower them?

i've always kind of thought to myself, i still kind of do "well, he's a guy, you know he's genetically that way, you cant really blame him. . .  even though he has a gf, its okay to check out other girls.  he's a guy, he can't really help it. . .  well, she's a slut, she was leading him on. . ."  its not okay.  we can be stronger than our hormones.  if someone's like a little bit pervy/horny or whatever and expresses it, whatever, i dont really care, its just how people are.  it really isnt a big issue for me.  but people who take it past talk, who take it past thoughts, past fantasies- and decide to do something about it when thats clearly not okay.  to force yourself on someone, to look up someone's skirt with whatever sneaky device, to. . .  molest a helpless kid.  its not like its rare.  i know SO many people that its happened to.  so do you, even if you dont know it.  one out of every three women is raped or molested in her lifetime.  and what, i think one in every thirty two men?  its not okay.  i dont get it.  we're people, we're supposed to be civilized.  so whats going on??
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