T's Game

Sep 07, 2009 18:07

OK, all my teacher types!
T has created the best game ever.  i know you make up names for the students in your class and sometimes these become the only names you know them by.

I want to know your list.
(students, who are your classmates?)

This is T's awesome list:

I'm TAing over 100 kids in two sections this semester.

Impeccable Dresser
Friendly MILF
Close-Talking Sorority Girl
White Jock
Black Jock
Jimmy Fallon Jock
Poor Language Skills
Awesome Tardy Lesbian
the Creepy Twins
the Facebooker
Sad African Dude
Summer Glau
Staring Piercings Girl
AssKiss McSelfImportant
Over-Eager Party Girl
the One with the Pink Pen
Chinese Woodcut
Hooters Waitress
Handicapped Guy
Asian Stoner
Asian Stoner with a Crew-Cut
Fat Asian Stoner

-Dreadlocks smells like smoke
-Dyke from 1984
-Looks like a 12 year old soccer playing boy
-Sad African (do we share student?)
-Scandinavian Mouse
-Angry Dyke (who I just found our is Evangelical Christian and Straight)
-Class mom
-Miss Perfect
-Anorexic Horse
-Midwest mom
-midwest boy
-Labor Union Boy
-Matt (not his name, he looks like my friend Matt, so far I've kept from accidentially calling him Matt)
-didn't read
-Class president
-little one
-big one
-Natashka (like a russian spy)
-that student from last year's wife
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