Mar 28, 2010 20:34
Did you watch the latest episode?
The brothers went in their car to a house, inside they tried to find a scary, dangerous thing, but they couldn't find it. So they left the house and talked to some people and read a book. Then they went back and they found the scary, dangerous thing and killed it.
Oh, and Dean got hungry, so he ate something.
A naval personnel person got killed so the team go to the site where the body is. Ducky and Palmer show up after them and Ducky starts to tell a story, but he gets interrupted.
The team has a little trouble finding the killer, but eventually they do.
A sick person comes in to the hospital, and they don't know what's wrong. But Dr House figures it out eventually.
A very sympathetic person has been wronged so the team decides to make a little justice on their behalf. It's super tricky, and almost impossible, but they manage anyway.
The boys do some things that confuse Penny, and Sheldon gets exasperated with all of them.
Can YOU tell me what happened on your shows last episode?