Weren't they just fantastic?
I remember, my Nana had a Polaroid camera and I would be fascinated as once a picture was taken, it was only moments before you had a copy of the photo in your heads, instantly appearing before your eyes. (Well, not so much the instant part. I would often shake it to speed up the process. But never mind that..)
I would always ask my parents for one, but they always claimed they were too expensive. Truthfully, I think the reason was more of a not trusting a five-year-old with a camera. When I did become old enough, I received a digital camera, but really...
It's just not the same.
Unfortunately, Polaroid is slowing ceasing all film production of their instant film by the fall months of this year. This has greatly saddened me due to the fact that I now have enough money of my own and hold enough wisdom to not drop it in the mud on a daily basis (only once in a while).
But, there is