A week or so ago I started another art journal. I realized I wasn't updating my other one for a couple of reasons. One, the size. I was using a full sheet of paper journal. 8.5" x 11" can be a little daunting when you just want to do a quick little drawing. Two, the size (again). With it being 8.5x11 it was hard to just carry around with me everywhere. Three, what was in it. I have a couple of paintings in that "art journal" that I wanted to keep nice. Not so easy to do when you're lugging that thing all over the dang place.
With all these in mind, I looked through my sketch books and picked out a Strathmore Sketch (100 sheets, 60lbs) that is about 5.5x8.5. Much smaller than my other one. I carry this one around with me and sketch when I have some time. It's a lot less scary and with it being so small I don't feel bad when I want to draw something a little small.
Here is what I've done so far.
This is the first entry. Just a testing of my water colour pencil I bought at Michael's on clearance. Also to see how the pen I was messing with looked with water. Some pens after trying a while will be okay with water... the one I tried wasn't. Heh.
Entry number 2. I painted in watercolour first then drew my image over it. The perspective is off by leaps and bounds to the point where... it doesn't exist. Ooops. But I did mean to just kind of slap down paint and have it go over the lines and such. I did like that.
Entry number 3. This one is actually not finished yet. I put down the two layers of watercolour and now I got to add the rest. I'm not sure though. I may leave it like this and just make another entry where I do the whole thing. What do you think?
Entry number 4. This is more of a journal entry than art. Oh well. Nothing special here. Did find out that I had no glue... the glue I did end up finding and using was so liquidy that it ended up crinkling my paper. Boo.
Entry number 5. Again, another entry more journal than art. I did this mostly to remind me to NOT save my art stuff to just look at. Use it! Just because it's nice doesn't mean I can't mess with it. I have a bad habit of thinking "this is too nice for me" and just letting it sit there. Used the glue that's too liquidy, but I have since bought better glue.
Entry number 6. The last one so far. This is actually a two page entry but the other page I only pasted on the top of my Copaxone box. It has a lot of personal information on it and though I could black those bits out on the computer, that's all there is on the page. This one is more interesting. It's been a long time since I've sketched, and even longer since I've sketched and then coloured in that sketch with coloured pencils. I know it's a little off but, like I said, it's been a while.
So that's it so far. I have another two page entry I've been working on the past couple of days (I knew it was going to take a bit so I skipped a couple of pages ahead) but it's highly personal so I probably won't post it at all. It's the kind of personal you're not even sure you can finish it. But I will post other entries as they come along.
Any comments, suggestions, tips, anything is definitely welcomed.