Fic: Drabble

Oct 07, 2009 09:00

I never wrote a drabble before. But this idea came to me, and I figured I would share it with those of you who have been kind enough to friend me as soon as I got this lj up and running. Hope you enjoy!

Soft, dark hair.

Eyes bright with desire and mischief.

A beautiful body always shown to best advantage.

Always moving forward. The shoes could tell anyone who looked that the wearer would never stand still.

Always full of life. Fighting. Fucking. Crying. Life never passed by unnoticed. Life was meant to be wrung out for every last drop of pleasure, pain…and passion.

No one had ever made him feel so deeply before they'd met. He knew, even from the first encounter, that he would never be the same.

Hutch sighed and sipped his wine. Vanessa had been perfect for him, once.


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