Dec 22, 2004 16:32 sitting in my house with only the voice in my head for company, so its been a very quiet day, which is good seeing that i can hardly talk,damn cold...well ur not going to ruin my Christmas mood :)
so what have a been doing since the last time i wrote in this thing...been a school, having fun, laughing way too much, talking to people (well trying,lol)
well i've picked up the cold from somewhere and u know what that involves sneezing, coughing,lose of voice and not making a lot of i ever?
anyways i realized yesterday that i have the bestest big brother in the world....he was so sweet, he phoned home to see of i wanted something to eat brought home and then offered to get me movies out of xtravision, so i had something to watch. Anyways the best of it was that he brought home this movie that i have been looking to see for ages and let me say that it was one of the best movies i have i've seen in my life.
It the another one of these films that teach u that not all human beings have a heart or a sense of another film that touches ur heart from the moment u realize what its abt and makes u cry when u find out that the events shown in the film are true....yet u dont want to believe that such a thing can happen to an innocent child.
I've realized that i enjoy films that deal with events happening in the world...dont get me wrong i love a good unrealistic comedy like 13 going on 30 (saw that as well), but u need films out there like another one i watched this week called "Before Women Had Wings," which dealt with domestic violence, u need films like the ones i've talked abt to make people acknowledge and realise that things like this could be taking place in ur own front yard and that they shudnt turn their backs on the victims cause their often to scared to do something abt the situation if their on their own.
Sorry abt the rambling on there but the film had a profound affect on me and i just needed to get somethings off my chest, i've done enough here...think i'll go and write my more private thoughts in my diary.....
Anyways what else have i been up to over the last few days, sleeping, eating, shopping, watching movies, talking online... got a good piece of advice from a friend..well a friends mum told her and she passed it on to me..."u have to kiss plenty of frogs before u find ur own prince charming." Good advice there Jasmine's Mum. :)
so....all 2gether although i've had the cold and my mother has forbid me from going out the last few days, i've had a gud time, seen a movie I've wanted to see it months...beginning to think i was imagining it cause it was never in any shops...thanks Don Saviour of my Sanity!!lol
well must head off here, things to do, no place to go...well tonite anyways...tomorrows a new day *grins*
Take care everyone, xo