Dec 18, 2009 14:08
Tomorrow my friends are coming over for the first time in, well, ages and I am beyond excited to see them. I have to keep myself calm though because I don't want the excitement to wear me out. There are some things that I'm super excited for and while others, I'm dreading.
Most likely when they get to my house, I'm going to try and look as healthy as possible. God willing, I'll be feeling well enough to sit up instead of lying down. Although, eventually, I am going to have to lay down and even though I don't like it, I have to or there is no way I will be able to concentrate on what they are saying.
Secondly, I really want to talk to them about what is going on with me (health wise and everything else in my life). They need to know that I am still the same old girl from before, just with a few changes. Life dealt me this hand, and I'm going to live as fully as possible. Nothing is stopping me from laughing, crying and even going a little crazy (which isn't very crazy at all). I NEED them to see that I'm still me.
So, I will take my life by the horns, with God at my side and live exactly how I intend to. With no regrets and no apologies. I know that God is taking my imperfections and making them absolutely stunning. And I can't wait to see the result of his beautiful work.
With love,
Beautifully Imperfect