Feb 11, 2004 13:26
could anyone explain the concept of a "sleep button" to me. i'm not gonna lie to you guys; there is nothing i understand about the sleep button. you press i and it starts playing music even though no alarms are on....or your alarm is on buzz and you press it and the radio comes on. it sets a little timer for 59 minutes that you can't turn off, you have to press the minute button 59 times to make it stop (make it stop make it stop!) and then, when you accidentaly press it instead of your snooze button, you get all confused and then you hit your snooze button for real and then you sleep through your 8 o'clock class because crazy things have gone on inside your alarm clock and you don't know how or why or when or how to fix them. all you really know is that it has something to do with the sleep button. or morpheus. mooorpheeeuuuus.