California - Movies

Feb 09, 2008 10:07

The way that Lissar's very few items of furniture have been arranged are so that someone outside the window (a truck, for instance, or a crouching robot) can feel like he's part of the scene inside.

The television is adjusted so that the window has just as good a view as the rest, and her single chair can easily be turned the same. The window sill, there, is wide enough that she can comfortably perch on it to read. Or, today, to watch movies.

She explained to the young man at the rental place that she needed horror movies and he did his best to assist. The stack sitting on top of the television contains everything from classic horror staples to things that mock the genre.

All that's left at this point is to make popcorn while Ace finishes saying hello to the eleven fleethounds. The puppies are big enough to be wandering around now, you see.

movies, ironhide, ace

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