sunny daaaaay

May 08, 2011 02:33

Thursday, my family (mom, her parents & sisters) went out on our work lunch to celebrate my sister's birthday since she won't be home for it. There was drama because they overbooked the same table or something so we had to move, but my grandma got all pissed off and it was hilarious. Then my aunt said "I can get that up for you" (referring to a glass/plate that was in someone's way) and my grandma blurted out "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID". We fucking died, of course, and she was like, "Omg I'm so embarrassed", AND THEN I GOT A FACEBOOK MESSAGE THE NEXT DAY, FROM HER - "nice grandma huh? sorry, grandmas don't act like that! I feel bad. it just came out........" LOL SHUT UP SHUT UP KL;FSA. How cute is that, SHE IS THE CUTEST.

Friday, I had to go shoot a ~warehouse~. IT WAS COOL/FUN, ACTUALLY. Well, no, not actually because the guy who was supposed to show me things "had to leave" so I was kind of freaked out. BUT IT WAS FINE. Some self-important guy came up and asked us what we were doing, lol, yeah, hate to break it to you BUT I AM ACTUALLY SUPPOSED TO BE HERE. There was a huge area that had a bunch of farm animal food in storage so it smelled like ass, but there was another tenant that had a bunch of huge chemical barrels and crates and things to climb on and omg I wanted to climb so bad but I didn't - I was ~professional~. It was surprisingly fun to shoot too for being a warehouse, I was totes surprised.

Marc also sent us the character profile he finally wrote up for our web series! I sent back notes and the next thing we want to do after refining it is get the actor we want in front of a camera to see how he does. I am so excited for this, not even because I think it has tremendous potential, but it's fun and I genuinely fucking love the people who are involved already and the people who have vowed to be involved in production when we get to that point.

Jason and I went to a comedy club downtown - THEY HAVE A SHOW RIGHT NOW THAT'S AN UNSCRIPTED & UNCENSORED TAKE ON THE WIZARD OF OZ, OH MY FUCKING GOD, YOU GUYS, IT WAS UNREAL, I LAUGHED SO HARD FUCKING CONSTANTLY. And it was genuine, too, they didn't have plants and the entire show was shaped by what we called out. For example, they needed something to be at the end of the "shit-brown road", the 'Emerald City' they needed to get to, so I yelled out Walmart and they used it for the rest of the show and the story was totally shaped by it. The Tin Man's issue was "If I Only Had a Condom" (the Wizard was like, "They sell those in our bathroom! The Walmart bathroom! All you need to get a condom are these quarters!!"), the Lion's issue was "If I Only Was Ugly", and the Scarerow's issue was "If I Only Had an Ear", and these were all based on our suggestions at the head of the show), the witch was hilarious and they kept making jokes about her fucking monkeys and her flying monkey was her stoner son oh my god I died. And Dorothy needed to bring people vibrators and hookers and huge tubs of shea butter for drag queens, OH MY GOD I AM GOING EVERY FRIDAY TO IT, FOR SERIOUS, IT RUNS THROUGH THE END OF JUNE. AND IT WILL ALWAYS BE DIFFERENT.

We stopped at a trendy fun bar across the street (THAT HAS SPARKLY DISK THINGS ON THE OUTSIDE WALL), I got Flirtini's and Jason got a Raspberry Beret, and we had the best vanilla ice cream ever and we were so fucking happy, okay. But jesus those drinks must have been strong because I was basically drunk enough to feel like crap this morning. That or I hadn't eaten recently enough idk. BUT WHATEVER, IT WAS FUN, AND I WAS WEARING MY SEQUIN SHOES, OKAY. MY TOES HURT BUT WHATEVER.

TODAY IT WAS NICE AS SHIT WE JUST PLAYED OUTSIDE ON THE EDGE OF THE LAKE, WE TOOK A BUNCH OF PICTURES AND I EVEN GOT SUNBURNED ON MY ARM!!!1 Just one of my arms though wtf. My dad had us over for dinner, he made us homemade hamburgers and fries and my father is EXCELLENT AT THAT, OKAY. Also oh my god we found a dead bird in a pot - poor bb hit the window and like, died, and fell into this pot so I took pictures because it's not every day that I come across a dead bird, BUT THEN I SAW THESE FAKE COLORFUL BIRDS, LIKE PORCELAIN OR WHATEVER, SO I MADE A BIRD FUNERAL. AND THEN PHOTOGRAPHED SAID BIRD FUNERAL!!1

I know I'm using capslock but it really was quite serious.

We watched Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead (LOL BABY DUCHOVS WITH FAILY SHIRTS AND FAILY HAIR), and then left. Also just watched SNL, and I love Tina Fey but damn is that show ever not funny anymore. It hasn't been for awhile but I guess I was hoping it'd be supar funny if she hosted it. I did like the Michael Bolton bit, and the Hallmark commercial. Other than that... :/

photography, rl - bars, tv - ts, family - dad, drunkenness, picture, teacher - conk, movie - wizard of oz, family - the honey, star - tina fey, rl - work, boy - j, rl - weather

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