We got like, a foot of snow yesterday. I am none too pleased.
I wanted to dye my hair a darker red but now we don't want to leave the house to get the color so I'll probably just keep my blonde (does this word have an 'e' or doesn't it?! I think the 'e' looks girly and cute! I SHALL KEEP IT REGARDLESS).
Watched The Social Network yesterday. Boring boring boring. It was so dry and I felt nothing for any of the characters (except his friend and it was ONLY because that actor was in Never Let Me Go, which I loved to absolute bits, okay) and the pacing was totally fucked. Not to mention that it had such a non-climactic ending. We ordered a pizza (lolll make the delivery guy go in the snow, not us. DON'T WORRY WE GAVE HIM A PRETTY TIP FOR HIS TROUBLES) and watched Spanglish, which I will never get sick of. And then we watched When In Rome, which was kind of a disappointment as well, BUT IT'S OKAY BECAUSE WE WENT UP IN MY MOM'S BED WITH CHAMPAGNE AND POPCORN FOR IT, AND SHE BRAIDED MY HAIR. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Oh, oh! Tony called, too! "Hi sweetheart, how are you?! What are you doing on December 28th?!" LOL. I was like, "Let me check my calen-- NOTHING." Oh man, he's shooting a short here, he wants me doing on-set stills, and then editing the fucker. Which he had mentioned before, but I'm glad he's still down and ALSO he wants me on props now too, and I'm excited because the short itself is about art and poetry and I get to write and make things and play with paper sakldfhaj. He said he wants to bring in as many different, promising people as possible because he's sick of his credits reading "Tony... Tony... Tony" for like, everything. He just wants to produce and pump new talent everywhere else, and I think that is so awesome. "And you're so artistically inclined I love it, MAN I'm going to utilize you," he says. "Is that a euphemism?" "What?" "Nothing." LOL SDJKLFHA. He sent me storyboards and GOD I LOVE STORYBOARDS, OKAY, I GET SUCH A FUZZY FEELING ABOUT THEM I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT EVEN. I WISH I COULD DRAW, EVEN JUST A LITTLE BIT. You know what I would love. Working on a bunch of things and saving the storyboards, and then when I have a lot, shrinking them down and making them into wallpaper for a bathroom. With
the bloody shower curtain and bathmat, also. How fucking cool and entertaining of a bathroom would that be.
I have no idea what I'm going to do today. Because, oh, what do you know - the snow is still here. And it'd be fine, but it's the gross, wet snow blahhh. I REALLY WOULD LIKE TO GO SHOPPING, THOUGH, I NEED A NEW COAT AND MITTENS AND A HAT WITH LITTLE BALLS ON IT!!1