Yesterday was completely horrendous. I had to go take a final, so I leave, and then I decide that I have to go to McDonald's because there was no way I could take a test for 2 hours if I was starving, lol. So I turned around to go through the drive thru, which I knew was a stupid decision, but whatever. IT'S A GOOD THING I DID, THOUGH, because in reaching for my wallet, I realized that I forgot ALL OF MY NOTES AND MY BOOK. It is an open book final. Because of this fact, I did not study. I would have been SO FUCKED, you guys. So I had to go home to get it and it was traumatic because I was pretty damn sure I'd be late. No - I totally NASCAR'd that shit and got into the room just as he was handing out tests. Skills. Test sucked, not because of the material, but because I had to pee SO BAD and therefore could not focus and was afraid I wouldn't be able to go because it was a final and slkdjfhjkas. So I did 80 questions that way, it was traumatic, before I asked him if I could go and he said yes. TY. On the way home, I saw a cop sitting on the side of the road waiting to bust people and all I could think was thank GOD he wasn't there on my way TO the test because I was going 70 in a 45. lol. No but oh my god, you guys, on the way home - cars were such a pain and my road rage was so bad. But I passed the library and saw a little girl with curly dark hair all up in a ponytail, reaching up at her mom with a book or something. It was so cute and then I realized that it was Mrs. O. Are you fucking kidding me. I could have cried at the odds. I would have pulled over to say hi but I was so stunned and I couldn't even believe it was her for some reason, I don't even know. But god she looked so beautiful and I've never seen her little girl irl before and I miss her so much. It made my day to see her. And then I looked up in my rear-view mirror to see them run across the street after I'd passed. ♥
I got
this really cool thing that makes art out of your mouse-strokes. This is what it looks like for me to check the internet for a half hour when I get home:
Mothers Day was today, there was, of course, some fucking drama because my sister is so spoiled and she's got this attitude of entitlement that drives us nuts but I can't even be sympathetic because it's sort of their fault she thinks that way? Like, they always give into it so whatever. SO, YEAH, we had a ~function~ at my mom's mom's house. My dad came, which was really nice (OMG WE GOT THE GREATEST FAMILY PHOTO LOL. I will show you it when I get it). I was looking through Time and asked him to make me a spark-shooting metal bra to wear to the Lady Gaga concert. I showed him the photo, he got an awe-inspired smirk on his face as he seriously contemplated it, before telling me that he didn't know how to even go about it. Fuck. That would have been so cool.
You guys, help me - where can I buy some of the shit she wears? IDEALLY, I'd have a sparkler bra or that skimpy hanging rhinestoned thing she wears in Bad Romance, do they make these things anywhere? Are there online stores that specialize in Gaga-inspired shit? Or will I have to make things myself? Please, share your knowledge.