(no subject)

Mar 23, 2010 19:28

→ I'm a bit freaking out because I TOTALLY missed an online quiz for my Stats class. I legitimately just SPACED. I only remembered when I found Stats notes when I was cleaning, I rushed to my computer and I missed it by about 15 hours. FUCK. I emailed my professor explaining this, not making any excuses but asking him if there was any way I could still take it. I've yet to hear back from him. Granted it was only yesterday afternoon that I sent it, but you're a teacher, I know you check your email at least once a day, probably more than that. So I'm freaking out but at the same time I don't really give a shit so I suppose that means that somewhere deep down, my intuition is telling me he'll let me take it. I'm hoping that's what it means.

→ I preordered Celine's new Taking Chances DVD. I'm a bit alarmed because the ~deluxe 2 disc~ set was cheaper than the one disc set... $15 seems way too cheap. I hope they don't gauge me later. "LOL, SURPRISE(, SURPRISE. see what I did there)!"

→ I think I'm entering a Photoshop phase. Good, it's been awhile. AHH I also had to redo my dashboard because my webcam of NY no longer works! :( So now I have a blank spot until I find a widget I find useful enough. In the meantime, I added BLINKY CHRISTMAS LIGHTS, and a few more photos to my slideshow photo frame.

→ ALSO I BURNED A BUNCH OF CDS FOR MY CAR, I AM SO EXCITED (AND I HAVE A NEW MIX FOR YOU GUYS, TOO). Also I had a thought today as I was driving - how is it possible for one person to be so easily bored and so easily amused? Because I feel like I fit both of those descriptions and logically this makes no sense at all. Explain this.

→ I FOUND MY X-FILES BOX IN MY CLOSET WHEN I CLEANED. Including a collage that my best friend in grade 8 made for me, and also a fuck ton of finale TV Guides, and I know I've told this story before but idgaf. OKAY. So. The day after The Truth aired, our 8th grade class went to Chicago. As you can imagine, I was not very much in the mood to go to Chicago at a time like that. I WAS GRIEVING. BUT! When we got to our hotel, Sally called me from her room (our bitch-ass teacher purposely didn't put best friends together) and was like "OMG LISS THE TV GUIDE THE TV GUIDE!!" YEAH, MY ROOM DIDN'T HAVE ONE. I was probably the only one in my entire class who gave a shit and mine was the room that didn't have one. I asked the front desk for one. They wouldn't give me one. So the next morning, Sally and I skipped group ~breakfast~ and went into our classmates' rooms and stole all of theirs. HA! I WILL SHOW YOU, LOSER HOTEL AND LOSER CLASSMATES.

→ lol I got the best text today, from my RL friend Teresa. She told me she was in the library blasting Gaga's "Teeth" in her headphones and the guy next to her started bobbing his head and when she looked over at him, HE SHOWED HER HIS TEETH AND HER DAY WAS MADE. I AM SO JEAL.


EDIT: leiascully is here and I am seeing her for drinks tomorrow night. lskdjflhjdas THIS IS FUCKIN' SB.

lj - leiascully, tv - idol, tv - x-files, mia the mac, star - lady gaga, school - uni, real-life friends, photoshop, random nonsense, school - grade, star - celine

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