I had a Genetics quiz (LOL WTF, IT'S WEEK 2) and I was freaking out because I was running late - I LEFT the house on time but people were idiots on the road and I was missing lights and I had to park far away andlksdjfhdhsja - and I was freaking out because she said if we're late on quiz day, we don't get to take it. I'm PARKING at 11:03, and it will take me at least 10 minutes to get in there. THANKFULLY, I walk in, and she's passing out quizzes to the back row so I just sneaked in there and stealthily got one, thank god. I got all of them right, too, so good times! ♥ LOL we talked about "differential diagnosis" today in Psych, I had fun.
Then I had a meeting with Donaho!
And god, you guys, he is so completely gifted and amazing and understanding and fun and easy to be around and approach and speak to and he's SO smart but he never patronizes you or gives off the impression that he is better. He is absolutely amazing and I am already dreading the day he leaves my life. I literally almost cried over it on the way home today. I was sitting in the comfy chair right outside his tucked-away office, watching Please Don't Leave Me on my iPod. He came around the corner in a bright blue shirt and was all, "Hi Alyssa!" and I was like, "Hi! How are you?" and he told me he was good and "What are you listening to?" Like, he actually gives a shit. And I think back to when I first met up with him for this and he was asking me if I was religious and what my birthday plans where and what I wanted to be when I grew up. I told him I was watching a video actually and he started telling me about how he just realized his iPod "~had those capabilities~" but that they're a bit above him right now lol. "One step at a time." I wonder what's on his iPod! So we went in and went over what he asked me to do and he lol'd at how I drew a picture/chart instead of writing it out. AND GOD, WHEN I READ THE SHIT HE ASKED ME TO READ, I TOTES DIDN'T GET IT. AND THEN HE TALKED FOR LESS THAN TWO MINUTES AND I NOW HAVE A SOLID GRASP. It's like fuck, that's ALL they needed to tell me and I'd have gotten it. I cannot get over him and how much I enjoy being in his presence and how much I enjoy learning from him. And it's more mathematical than I thought, I am SO excited, I love math and it comes so easily to me. And a lot of mathematical concepts are carrying over and when he puts it in THOSE terms, I completely understand because it's stuff I already KNOW. So I was in there for 45 minutes going over the old and being introduced to the new and OH MY GOD ANOTHER THING. I can have a question, and it's SO fucking complicated to explain what I mean. But I try. And the phrasing comes out horribly, I know it makes NO sense and does NO justice to what's going on in my head BUT HE GETS IT ANYWAY. "Oh, I think I know what you're asking." AND HE DOES. He answers it perfectly. It amazes me, I have no idea how he got that from what I just said. But he did. And then, we both went to talk at the same time, and he stopped and was like, "Go ahead. ♥." Like, he was explaining and I, like an accidental bitch, interrupted him to ask a question, but he stopped to let me go. I know I need to shut up and let him talk but I just get so excited and get so ahead of things and I can't help it but he doesn't hold it against me like most teachers, he almost encourages it. We walked to the copy room to make copies of the new material and he asked me what other classes I was taking. So I told him and we talked briefly about yoga, lol, and then he asked me who teaches Genetics. I told him and he said he's never heard of her and asked how she was. I told him I wasn't too fond of her and left it at that but he asked me why. ♥ So I told him, and he was so understanding and all, "Ick, well thank god you like the course at least." GOD HE IS AWESOME. Then we were walking out and talking about when I was going to come in next and he was like, "Well given all of the stuff I just gave you, do you think you'll be ready in a week?" Yes. I CAN be ready, I will WORK to be ready. I told him that after the last stuff he gave me, I could have come in the very next day. Because I want to learn as much as I possibly can, and I said this. So then he was like, "Oh, okay! Then a week it is!" He is just so completely one of the most amazing people I have ever been blessed enough to meet. And meeting someone like this is one thing, but them taking an interest in me and my success is a different world entirely. GOD.
Then my mom and I went shopping. YOU GUYS, I NEED TO SHOW YOU WHAT I GOT.
We also went to this huuuuuge Victoria's Secret we've never been to and they were having a sale and oh my god I got such fun underwear I could die. MY FAVORITE IS A BRIGHT YELLOW PAIR THAT SAYS "BITE ME" ACROSS THE BACK. And then I bought a bright yellow bra to match. lol I am so excited. AND ANOTHER ONE IS BRIGHT PINK AND IT SAYS "NO CHANCE" ON THE ASS IN BLACK GLITTER.
Then we came home, and I was going to just go to bed but my dad called. I didn't answer because I thought he was going to tell me to write Thank You notes and I know I have to do them, okay. I just didn't want to hear it again. BUT THEN! I felt like a huge bitch because he was just calling to let me know that he was making french fries and I could come over if I wanted!! So I went over there and we had french fries and watched The House Bunny. OH MY GOD I WAS SO EXCITED TO SEE KAT DENNINGS, SHE WAS SO BADASS.