01.) My Mario game that I have been waiting for for what seems like an eternity came today. And it is fucked. I have to send it back and get a new one lol.
zorabet & I got our hair done today.
03.) I went & got a FUCK TON of music. I am so excited. I will make a rec post later because I found some new shit that I really quite love and haven't
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3. Lol, it's kinda cute how he picks up on shit on Facebook - I'm guessing he saw your status about her on there - like "who's LJ?" lol. It's nice that he's so interested. Yes to moar of that.
4. YOU DON'T HAS ONE. LMAO. Was the Randy thing supposed to be 4? Because I read it as you going over there and getting music from him, since he is a DJ and that was all one point :P
6. I remember you talking about that in previous years, and showing us shit that you got! Didn't you get those candy lipstick things up there one year?
7. ♥
9. GOOD LUCK. I hope that turns out to be fun like previous stake outs and not just sad and drama like. Read: I hope she's wrong :(
10. Well the guy did pick her up in a limo and give her $3800 or whatever it was. Smart to be skeptical though, no disappointments.
11. I saw your tweet about that! That would be sweeet.
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