Anyone who's been following my journal knows how much this woman means to me. I cannot even put into words how much I look up to, respect, and love this woman for exactly who she is and all that she's done. She makes me want to be better. More kind, more thoughtful, more open-minded. More free, more young, more productive. More everything that is good.
"Each morning my alarm goes off with music - never words - because I don’t want to interrupt my dreams; I have a very active dream life."
"I try to take everything in stride and am perfectly happy being single. But I haven’t given up on love."
"I’ve looked the same age for 15 years. I’ve always had older friends. Watching them go through changes I won’t get to for awhile makes it easier to see where I am in life."
"There's a lot of things in the world that need some attention, and animals are one of them, and if you have the passion for it, the go for it, but it's just important to do something. About what means something to you."
"I am truly the behind the scenes action."
"Enjoy yourself. Take yourself out on a date. Relax-it will happen when it’s supposed to."
"I eat a piece of chocolate every day... that's my sin."
"I like men with a lot of knowledge, but if he can't be kind or he can't listen to others, I close up."
"I don't want to be successful in a career I hate - I've said no a thousand times because I'll only do what I want to do."
"Why do I lose my right to speak my mind because I'm famous?"
"I've been accused of needing to do a one-woman show. I really admire Carrie Fisher for doing hers.
I'd like to do something like that, an old-school Hollywood one-woman show."
"In New York, I have a beautiful view of the city. I can’t live without a view. In Los Angeles, I have a back yard. I can’t live without a back yard either."
"I think if you have another idea about how to make your living you'd never become an actor."
"It seems silly to have to spend all my energy trying to find someone that’s supposed to complete me. I am complete with myself."
"House is totally my type: brilliant, screwed up, difficult and strong willed.
I'm sure he'd be hell to work for, worse to work with and a horrible choice for a boyfriend. When's dinner?"
"I used to think my last name was awkward, nerdy, so Jewish. But when I tried to think of a different one,
I realized that I was trying to be someone else. That didn't sit well with me."
"Awhile ago, I went to Italy to be with a man, but it turned out he didn’t think the relationship would lead to a family. As much as I loved him, I didn’t want to be with someone with such a limited perspective on what was possible."
"Does the Queen of the Night ever really die?"
"I’ve learned that if you pay attention, people tell you exactly what they’re capable of, though sometimes you don’t hear what you want to hear."
"I don't do well in class. I learn as I go, and I was much more interested in the crazy characters I was meeting in the city."
"I like to walk... everywhere. I get so excited about walking. For me coming home to New York is like coming to the country."
"I relate to people who are rudely funny that way (House). I have no editing skills, I'm right there."
"I liked being amongst outsiders, really creative outsiders. It's very inspiring, you shatter any boundaries that someone has handed you."
"Now that I’m on House, which I’m so proud of, I’ve been thinking, What’s next? Family? Or am I an “alone” person? When I was younger, there was no holding me down; if a man tried to nail my feet to the floor, I’d be gone. Now I’d love to be in a relationship, but I’ve made peace with all kinds of potential futures."
♥ ♥ ♥
& last year: the abc's of lisa e