lol. who just called me from Canada (I just googled the area code) and left me a voicemail two voicemails now I do not understand? I think it's a concert or a song on the radio but I can't hear/understand it. CONFUSION, LET ME SHOW YOU IT. EDIT: lmao.
I just completely fucking BOMBED my Lit midterm. It's probably because I've been barely doing the reading. Whatevs. I'm just frustrated because he asked for a shit ton of specific examples, and there were three 40 point questions (FORTY POINTS. TO ME, to earn 40 points, I'd feel I'd have to write like a three page paper to earn them. And was I really supposed to write THAT much, x3, in two hours? You're KIDDING.) and it was timed and our book is huge as shit and I can never find anything in it anyway. And I am really fucking pissed because THERE IS EMERSON AND THOREAU STUFF IN HERE. BUT ARE WE EVER GOING TO STUDY IT? ANSWER: NO. I looked ahead in the syllabus. Would it kill him to have a unit I might actually give a shit about. I did like our unit on psychological realism, but only because I fLOVE The Yellow Wallpaper. And also An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge. But maybe I only love them because we studied them in high school and my teacher was a genius. But apparently he was also an idiot because I got criticized by this new one for having a comma between the author and page number in my MLA citations and "it hasn't been done that way since the 1980's. You were probably taught that by an old high school teacher who didn't keep current". UM, WHAT. He is like, 10x more brilliant than you, seriously, and I thought that even BEFORE this issue. I thought it last year, even. OH, OH, I HAVE SOMETHING ELSE TO BITCH ABOUT:
This is an online course, right. I have my three IRL courses at school, and this Lit one that's completely online. And it's all discussion based and they have this stupid forum thing, and I hate it. And every week we have to fucking upload our papers, and then go read everyone else's, and leave comments. And I basically got fucking yelled at because I was too nit-picky about grammar and structure and this "isn't a writing workshop". I also lost points in my "discussion" section because of this. I am apparently supposed to be commenting on the ideas BEHIND the writing, and I'm sorry, but I can't DO that if it's written like shit and makes no grammatical sense. Like, I can't even SEE those ideas ~behind the writing~ if the writing is complete shit. So that's what I have to comment on. Also, I don't think it's my place to say "you're wrong, here's why" or "hai, your opinion is not valid and makes no sense." I'm not the teacher, and I've already spoken my opinion on these pieces of Literature. So whatever. It's not about grammar at all, apparently, YET OUR TEACHER RESPONDS TO MY PAPER:
Note that Alyssa's paper is written in a clear, grammatically correct, easy-to-read style. You might question what that has to do with anything, since this assignment is about analyzing and comparing literary texts, not having correct grammar and effective sentence style. However, any time that you express your ideas in language, especially in writing, your grammar and sentence style matter. Grammatical mistakes and ineffective stylistic choices confuse, distract, and annoy the reader, interfering with your ability to communicate your ideas; meanwhile, correct grammar and effective style quietly, almost subliminally, show the reader what you mean and what you think is important.
.... um, you JUST told me to shut up about this stuff when critiquing OTHER people, because grammar and sentence style (allegedly) DON'T matter. Which is it, what do you fucking want. AND YES, GRAMMATICAL MISTAKES AND INEFFECTIVE STYLISTIC CHOICES CONFUSE, DISTRACT, AND ANNOY ME, WHICH IS WHY I CAN NEVER SEE WHAT FUCKING IDEAS THESE WRITERS ARE EVEN COMMUNICATING, MUCH LESS COMMENT ON THEM, WHICH IS WHY I FOCUS ON THE SHODDY GRAMMAR. So, I don't even know what you fucking want from me anymore, ~Professor~. I like you as a person, you even wrote that awesomely sexy
tanka about thighs and centers and taking time to get there, but I cannot respect this hypocrisy, I JUST CANNOT!